Well, I ditched the running group, because in the 5 minutes I was up trying to get ready I had 2 crippling attacks. So, meh....I didn't want to be far from home, in the cold and unable to run or walk because of pain. Turned out it was for the best to skip, because Melanie ended up in the ER with her husband and it was just Chad and Mike. They would've hated my slow pace.
I went to the gym and ran 4 miles before boxing class started, because Adam made me late enough that I couldn't jump into weights. BUT, it was best that way. It took a couple miles and stretching between them and I was able to run the last 2 without stopping at a 7.0 mph or faster.
I then did boxing and then lifting on my own.
After lift I ran another 3 miles for a total of 7 miles in 61:00, not too shabby for starting with a 10:20 pace.
I finished with some good yoga and stretching. It really helped keep my sciatica from seizing up after I finished.
I was able to get into my massage therapist this evening and she helped work out my SI as well as pirimorfis and hamstrings. I think it will help a ton. It already has. We shall see what the morning brings.