Wow, is it spring or winter? :( I almost chickened out of this run! Driving home from Volleyball at 10PM the weather was HORRID! It wasn't worth it. I made certain parameters that the weather had to meet at 4:40 in the morning when I woke up in order to go on the run. I got up and it said wind speed was only 3mph...perfect! A little cold, but no wind or precip, I'll go for it! LIAR! My phone app was a liar! As I drove to Chad's house the flags were whipping in the North wind. Son of a....!!!!!!! But, at least it was a North wind which meant we'd have a tail wind on the uphill. I still sucked it up as far as speed was concerned, but I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that along MVC, Emmeline and 6400W it was SO icy. Felt like I ran an extra 1/2 mile just due to the slipping of my feet on push off. I was scared I was going to fall and break and ankle or knee or something horrible. So, I just went nice and slow. My stomach felt like I wanted to puke and it sure seemed a lot harder than 10 miles on a taper ought to be. What can I do though? ugh. I'm sick of feeling lethargic and lead-legged and sick everytime I run. Boston or Bust? Right now I feel like it is more Bust... AP: 8:45 splits: 8:42, 8:26, 8:55, 9:38, 8:35, 8:57, 9:04, 8:42, 8:19, 8:14, 7:53 (last .1 to finish).