Thought I was getting into a nice easy workout with the BBK's - they are supposed to be tapering! We did 3 one mile repeats, at marathon pace. I was at the back and thought I was just taking it easy, but I sure felt like lead legs. It was hard to keep up with the back group this morning, I figured it was just from running yesterday. It's been a while since I did running workouts 2 days in a row. Then we did 2 400M sprints on the track. I was excited that for the first one I could keep up with tapering Peggy (until the last 50M anyway), the second I was only 5-10 seconds behind. Then I finished up my last .75 alone, just to round things out to five miles. ITB started yelling about mile 3 -UUGGGHHH! I am so stinkin' sick of that stupid thing!!!! Got in the car to come home and looked at my AP, 9:10- wow, I really did have lead legs - no, wait...that says 8:10! HOLY COW no wonder I was tired, I was bookin' it. Then I looked at my splits: 8:50, 7:53, 7:55, 7:29 (.25 on the track FAST), 8:34 (one .25 fast, rest SLOW). Okay, so now I don't feel so bad about feeling tired, I was above Marathon pace for those mile splits. I don't know what the 400M splits were, but the first one was around 1:35 I think, so the second would be 1:45 or so, again I think. Now I'm off to the gym for my personal training butt kicking, then I'm going to do some uphill walking (like 20-30% incline). I'll probably ride my bike to and from the gym as well, enjoying the last day of warmth for another 8 months :( *rode my bike to the gym, full body workout, and walked 1200 vertical feet in 30 minutes (1.5 miles). Total bike mileage was 4.5*