I was late leaving early so by the time I finished my 2 mile pre-run it was 5:49 instead of 5:45. There was nobody at the starting corner. I thought maybe Larry, Kevin and Kurt had already left so I headed for 200 West. I ended up running alone. When I wasn't there Larry went with Lee, and I guess the others didn't come out. After a half mile warmup (8:40/mi) my legs still felt tired but I managed to average 7:12/mi for the next 1.5 miles, only slightly slower than the 7:08/mi on Tuesday. After failing to meet up with the others, I averaged 7:55/mi for the next 1.6 miles, hoping to catch my phantom running buddies. I then ran the first 0.5 mile hill at 11:02/mi, ran the 0.8 miles in between at 8:34/mi, then ran the 0.7 mile hill up 2000 N at 11:55/mi. My legs were so tired prior to, and especially after, the first hill that I was really dreading the second hill. I think I went ahead and ran it out of habit, and because I was too tired to change the planned run. I averaged 7:04/mi the 1.2 miles back down 2000 N and down Main to the stop sign. I then surprised myself by pushing the last 0.15 miles at 6:27/mi. This run showed me once again what the body is capable of when the mind doesn't give in when things get hard. |