3 miles @ 9:44/mi. Neighborhood loop solo.
I was planning to play basketball with my son this morning but he wasn't up. When I asked him if he was going he said a lot of the guys were out of town so he wasn't going. It's all good. I just decided to run a few easy miles instead. No real pains, even in my hip, but then it doesn't usually hurt unless I go long and/or hard.
Based on some reading I did yesterday, it sounds like my hip pain could be trochanteric (outside point of the hip) bursitis. It is more common in older people, distance runners, and people with leg length discrepancies (strike three), and typically occurs in the hip of the longer leg (bingo). It doesn't sound too serious...rest, ice, anti-inflammatories, strengthen surrounding muscles. Maybe a steroid shot if it doesn't go away.