| Location: Kingsbury,TX,USA Member Since: Jan 10, 2011 Gender: Male Goal Type: Local Elite Running Accomplishments:
Some day I will not be able to do this...today is not that day!
Started Running (6/1/10) @ 50 Yrs Old
- 5K:
- 22:26 (7:14 pace) McAllister Park 8/14/10
- 22:24 San Marcos (7:13 pace) 10/19/10
- 21:09 San Marcos (6:49 pace) 11/20/10
- 20:19 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:33 pace) 5/26/12
- 20:06 Fentress (6:26 pace) 10/20/12
- *19:21 Gruene (6:20 pace) 11/22/12 (*Short Course)
- 19:42 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:21 pace) 5/25/13
- 19:42 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:21 pace) 5/24/14 (Not a Typo, exactly same time as last year)
- 21:38 New Braunfels Orange Leaf (6:58 pace) 7/19/14
- 19:33 Gruene Turkey Trot (6:18 pace) 11/27/14
- 19:43 Kyle-For the Love of Go (6:27 pace) 2/14/15
5 Miles:
- 34:03 (6:48 pace) Hillsboro, Ill 7/4/11
- 10Ks:
- 43:24 (7:00 pace) Gatesville, Tx 6/4/11
- Half Marathons:
- 1:42:16 (7:48 pace) Austin Livestrong 2/20/11
- 1:36:23 (7:21 pace) Moe's Better Half 3/6/11
- 1:35:55 (7:19 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/29/11
- 1:30:10 (6:53 pace) Austin 3M 1/2/12
- 1:43:13 (7:54 pace) Orange Leaf 7/14/12
- 1:33:44 (7:08 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/27/12
- 1:32:23 (7:03 pace) Austin 3M 1/13/13
- 1:35:16 (7:16 pace) Marathon for Adoption 10/26/13 (Ran off-course .3 miles)
- 1:36:48 (7:23 pace) SA Rock-N-Roll 11/17/13
- 1:37:06 (7:25 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/25/14
- 2:00:28 (9:11 pace) Long Beach Half Marathon (Paced Callie) 10/11/15
- 1:39:29 (7:35 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/21/15
- 1:34:06 (7:11 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/19/16
- 1:37:43 (7:37 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/18/17
- 1:36:30 (7:22 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/17/18
- 1:45:10 (8:01 Paced Callie) Surf City Half Marathon 2/2/20
- Marathons:
- 3:38:09 (8:19 pace) Oklahoma City Marathon 5/1/11
- 3:30:16 (8:01 pace) Ft. Worth Cowtown 2/26/12
- 3:30:53 (8:03 pace) Oklahoma City Marathon 4/29/12
- 0:00:00 (DNF) Ft Worth Cowtown Marathon 2/24/13 (Ran off-course)
- 3:22:56 (7:44 pace) Temple Army Marathon BQ 4/21/13
- 3:27:24 (7:55 pace) Boston Marathon BQ 4/21/14
- 3:18:40 (7:35 pace) CIM Marathon BQ 12/7/14
- 3:33:07 (8:08 pace) San Antonio R&R Marathon BQ 12/7/16
- 3:25:32 (7:51pace) The Woodlands Marathon BQ 3/3/18
- 3:26:17 (7:52 pace) The Woodlands Marathon BQ 3/2/19
- Triathlons:
- (1:12:23) Martindale (Sprint) Tri For Old Glory 7/1/12
- Ragnar Relay:
- (28:24:24) SoCal Ragnar 4/6-7/18
Short-Term Running Goals:
- Running Boston Marathon with Callie 2020 ...!!!
- Break 19:00 in the 5K
- Break 1:28 in Half Marathon
- Hit 3:16:00 in the Marathon
Upcoming Races:
- Boston with Callie...!!! (my daughter)
Long-Term Running Goals:
- Win 1st in the World Series Team Roping Finals Dec. 2020
- Run Boston with Callie, My Daughter
- Run Sub-18:00 5K (Ouch)
Run Sub- 3:10 Marathon Run 3:16 Marathon
- Compete in a Full Iron Man (Not sure since my two major bike accidents)
Personal: Married, two kids Kirby (Baylor University, Married not a a Runner), Callie (TCU University, Married and Runner).
My main sport is Team Roping, I've been doing that all my life.
I started running in the spring of 2010.
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 31.00 | 14.00 | 6.00 | 1.00 | 52.00 |
Brooks Launch (Retired) Miles: 52.00 |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 12.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.00 |
12 Miles @ 8:00 Pace on the Treadmill today. I decided to sleep in and run after lunch. Heart rate for each mile: 135,139,140,141,143,146,143,146,148,150,152,155. I stepped off the treadmill for 12 seconds to take a drink after mile 6 so you can see where my HR dropped at 7 then began to rise again. Since 8:00 pace would net me the BQ time I'm considering anything at or below that pace MP. As usual, at the end of this run, I didn't think I could keep it up for another 14.2 miles :-( Also, I can't afford my HR to continue to rise at this pace.
1 Corinthians 11:26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
Brooks Launch (Retired) Miles: 12.00 |
| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 10.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.00 |
I decided to run on the treadmill for another day. I have a little tweek in my hip so I thought it would be best to stay on the treadmill and run at a fairly easy pace today. Usually I go to the gym when I run on the treadmill but stayed home for the past three...now it's getting boring!
10 Miles - 9:00 Pace - Avg HR 128
Genesis 32:24-26
24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.â€
But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.†|
Brooks Launch (Retired) Miles: 10.00 |
| Comments(5) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 8.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 10.00 |
There was a war going on in my body this morning. For some reason my hip and/or my lower back has decided to battle against my mind in this quest for more milage. My left knee finally gave up and conceded it couldn't win but the reinforcements came with a vingence today. My hip/lower back (I can't really tell which) started stabbing me in the middle of the night waking me up several time saying, "you're not going to run today". When I finally got up the little nagging pain was with me every step I took. After hobbling the first half mile I was about to throw in the towel and walk home but I continued and finished the first mile. At that point I decided to try and go at least two out before I turned back. After two things had loosened up a little so I committed myself to make it through the entire 10 even if I had to walk some. Finally after about 4 miles I felt like I could actually finish the 10 miles running but didn't expect anything except a finish. I continued to plod along until mile 8.5 where my hip and back gave up an allowed me to begin to really run. I'm actually happy with the final mile time of 7:05 as I felt strong at the finish.
7/19/2011 |
Mile |
Time |
HR |
HR % |
1 |
9:48:00 |
117 |
55% |
Ran the Big Loop (My Hip/Back was really hurting until mile 8.5) |
2 |
9:13:00 |
129 |
63% |
3 |
8:53:00 |
129 |
63% |
4 |
9:07:00 |
137 |
69% |
5 |
8:48:00 |
129 |
63% |
6 |
8:53:00 |
130 |
64% |
7 |
8:40:00 |
135 |
68% |
8 |
8:29:00 |
140 |
71% |
9 |
7:49:00 |
145 |
74% |
10 |
7:05:00 |
159 |
84% |
Total |
86:45:00 |
135 |
67% |
Pace |
8:40:30 |
75º - 54% Humid |
Hebrews 12:3-5
3 Think about the one who endured such opposition from sinners so that you won’t be discouraged and you won’t give up. 4 In your struggle against sin, you haven’t resisted yet to the point of shedding blood, 5 and you have forgotten the encouragement that addresses you as sons and daughters:
My child, don’t make light of the Lord’s discipline or give up when you are corrected by him,
Brooks Launch (Retired) Miles: 10.00 |
| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 1.00 | 5.00 | 1.00 | 7.00 |
Well, I cut my run to 7 today instead of 10 for a couple of reasons. First I went to bed really early and got up at 6:00 so 7 was all I had time to run. Second, I decided because of my hip/back issue that I would cut the milage down. When I started running my hip/back were very stiff and somewhat painful but as I ran it got much better to the point it wasn't hurting at all. The first half mile was very slow but as I realized I wasn't in any pain I decided to push it more and more throughout the run. Come to find out, when I finished, I had actually run the fastest pace ever for my standard 7 mile loop run. I also realized, while looking at my running record, that on my 5 mile race a couple of weeks ago that I had run a faster pace than on my fastest 5K race. That gives me confidence that I can actually break a 20:00 5K...Ha ha..that's if my body holds out. I'm still pushing to run 70 miles this week.
7/19/2011 |
Mile |
Time |
Best Pace |
Heart Rate |
HR % |
1 |
7:55:00 |
| 133 |
66% |
Ran Small Loop |
2 |
7:25:00 |
| 154 |
80% |
3 |
7:07:00 |
| 155 |
81% |
4 |
7:35:00 |
| 160 |
85% |
5 |
7:17:00 |
| 165 |
88% |
6 |
7:21:00 |
| 167 |
89% |
7 |
7:32:00 |
| 171 |
92% |
Total |
52:12:00 |
| 158 |
83% |
Pace |
7:27:26 |
| 75º - 100% Humidity |
1 Chronicles 4:10 Jabez called on Israel’s God: “If only you would greatly bless me and increase my territory. May your power go with me to keep me from trouble, so as not to cause me pain.†And God granted his request.
Brooks Launch (Retired) Miles: 7.00 |
| Comments(8) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ahhhhh..... 0 Miles or even feet today! I was tired and my hip/back was somewhat sore when I woke up at 5:00 to go run so I just shut off the alarm and went back to sleep. Now, later in the day, my hip/back feels fine ;-) Guess it will have to be 20 tomorrow!
Psalm 107:1 ]
“Give thanks to the LORD because he is good, because his faithful love lasts forever!â€
| Comments(5) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 13.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 13.00 |
AMP Miles today. It seemed very hot and steamy today and I never really felt comfortable. Ran up on a huge bull that apparently had gotten out of someone's pasture. It was sitting about 3 feet off the road also the cyotetes are getting very brave on lonley road. It seemed they were only about a hundread yards away and howling like crazy. It's a little spooky at 5:30 and pretty much pitch black :-(
Mile |
Time |
Heart Rate |
HR % |
1 |
8:52:00 |
126 |
61% |
Big Loop & Out Lonely Road to Old Church |
2 |
8:40:00 |
139 |
70% |
3 |
8:18:00 |
140 |
71% |
4 |
8:54:00 |
146 |
75% |
5 |
8:24:00 |
144 |
74% |
6 |
8:43:00 |
145 |
74% |
7 |
8:50:00 |
146 |
75% |
8 |
8:49:00 |
147 |
76% |
9 |
8:40:00 |
146 |
75% |
10 |
8:43:00 |
149 |
77% |
11 |
8:45:00 |
153 |
80% |
12 |
8:23:00 |
153 |
80% |
13 |
8:42:00 |
157 |
82% |
Total |
112:43:00 |
145 |
Pace |
8:40:14 |
79 Deg. - 90% Humidity
Daniel 3:26 Nebuchadnezzar went near the opening of the furnace of flaming fire and said, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!†Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of the fire.
Brooks Launch (Retired) Miles: 13.00 |
| Comments(12) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
I couldn't run today. The twinge in my hip has gotten worse and now caused my back to spaz out. For the past couple of days the twinge would work it's way out after a while running but now, with the back, it's too much to bear. To top it off I had work, I had to do at my place (fencing and brush clearing) which intailed a lot of pulling, dragging, twisting and turning. I was really sore after all that! No fun and all pain for me right now :-(
Psalm 38:16-18
16 Because I prayed: “Don’t let them celebrate over me or exalt themselves over me when my foot slips,†17 because I’m very close to falling, and my pain is always with me. 18 Yes, I confess my wrongdoing; I’m worried about my sin.
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Total Distance | 31.00 | 14.00 | 6.00 | 1.00 | 52.00 |
Brooks Launch (Retired) Miles: 52.00 |
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