Track Intervals... My legs are still not completly recovered so this was a tough run. Also the wind was blowing a constant 25 mph with gust even higher (I hate running in the wind!). I resolved to myself not to worry about reaching the exact paces scheduled after the first two warm-up miles. Hopefully in the next few days I can get back to 100%.
John 3:8
8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.â€
3/6/2012 |
Mile |
Time |
HR |
HR % |
Max HR |
2 |
Warm-Up @ 8:30 Pace |
| |
3200m |
13:37:00 |
166 |
90% |
176 |
400m |
Recovery |
| |
1600m |
6:24:00 |
168 |
91% |
175 |
800m |
Recovery |
| |
800m |
3:01:00 |
159 |
85% |
173 |
400m |
Recovery |
| |
800m |
3:12:00 |
156 |
83% |
171 |
1 |
Cool-Down |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
162 |
87% |
Total Miles |
8 |
High School Track |
68º - Very Windy 25+ Wind Gust |
Target: Repeats - 10-20 Min. Warm-up, 1600 @ 6:12 (6:12 pace), 400m Recovery, 3200 @ 12:40 (6:20 pace), 800m Recovery, 2 x 800m @ 2:58 (5:56 pace), 400m Recovery, 10 Min. Cool-down. Note: Got mixed up…should have run the 1600 first. Hard run, legs were really tired and the wind was tough!