
March 13, 2025

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Member Since:

Jan 10, 2011



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:


Some day I will not be able to do this...today is not that day!

Started Running (6/1/10) @ 50 Yrs Old

  • 5K:
    • 22:26 (7:14 pace) McAllister Park 8/14/10
    • 22:24 San Marcos (7:13 pace) 10/19/10
    • 21:09 San Marcos (6:49 pace) 11/20/10
    • 20:19 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:33 pace) 5/26/12
    • 20:06 Fentress (6:26 pace) 10/20/12
    • *19:21 Gruene (6:20 pace) 11/22/12 (*Short Course)
    • 19:42 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:21 pace) 5/25/13
    • 19:42 San Marcos-Faith Run (6:21 pace) 5/24/14 (Not a Typo, exactly same time as last year)
    • 21:38 New Braunfels Orange Leaf (6:58 pace) 7/19/14
    • 19:33 Gruene Turkey Trot (6:18 pace) 11/27/14
    • 19:43 Kyle-For the Love of Go (6:27 pace) 2/14/15
  • 5 Miles:

    • 34:03 (6:48 pace) Hillsboro, Ill 7/4/11
  • 10Ks:
    • 43:24 (7:00 pace) Gatesville, Tx 6/4/11
  • Half Marathons:
    • 1:42:16 (7:48 pace) Austin Livestrong  2/20/11
    • 1:36:23 (7:21 pace) Moe's Better Half  3/6/11
    • 1:35:55 (7:19 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/29/11
    • 1:30:10 (6:53 pace) Austin 3M 1/2/12
    • 1:43:13 (7:54 pace) Orange Leaf  7/14/12
    • 1:33:44 (7:08 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/27/12
    • 1:32:23 (7:03 pace) Austin 3M 1/13/13
    • 1:35:16 (7:16 pace) Marathon for Adoption 10/26/13 (Ran off-course .3 miles)
    • 1:36:48 (7:23 pace) SA Rock-N-Roll 11/17/13
    • 1:37:06 (7:25 pace) Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption 10/25/14
    • 2:00:28 (9:11 pace) Long Beach Half Marathon (Paced Callie) 10/11/15
    • 1:39:29 (7:35 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/21/15
    • 1:34:06 (7:11 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/19/16
    • 1:37:43 (7:37 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/18/17
    • 1:36:30 (7:22 pace) Marathon for Adoption 11/17/18
    • 1:45:10 (8:01 Paced Callie) Surf City Half Marathon 2/2/20
  • Marathons:
    • 3:38:09 (8:19 pace) Oklahoma City Marathon 5/1/11
    • 3:30:16 (8:01 pace) Ft. Worth Cowtown 2/26/12
    • 3:30:53 (8:03 pace) Oklahoma City Marathon 4/29/12 
    • 0:00:00 (DNF) Ft Worth Cowtown Marathon 2/24/13 (Ran off-course)
    • 3:22:56 (7:44 pace) Temple Army Marathon BQ 4/21/13
    • 3:27:24 (7:55 pace) Boston Marathon BQ  4/21/14 
    • 3:18:40 (7:35 pace) CIM Marathon BQ 12/7/14
    • 3:33:07 (8:08 pace) San Antonio R&R Marathon BQ 12/7/16
    • 3:25:32 (7:51pace) The Woodlands Marathon BQ 3/3/18
    • 3:26:17 (7:52 pace) The Woodlands Marathon BQ 3/2/19
  • Triathlons:
  • (1:12:23) Martindale (Sprint) Tri For Old Glory 7/1/12
  • Ragnar Relay:
  • (28:24:24) SoCal Ragnar 4/6-7/18 

Short-Term Running Goals:

  • Running Boston Marathon with Callie 2020 ...!!!
  • Break 19:00 in the 5K
  • Break 1:28 in Half Marathon
  • Hit 3:16:00 in the Marathon

Upcoming Races: 

  • Boston with Callie...!!! (my daughter)

Long-Term Running Goals:

  • Win 1st in the World Series Team Roping Finals Dec. 2020
  • Run Boston with Callie, My Daughter
  • Run Sub-18:00 5K (Ouch)
  • Run Sub- 3:10 Marathon  Run 3:16 Marathon
  • Compete in a Full Iron Man (Not sure since my two major bike accidents)


Married, two kids  Kirby (Baylor University, Married not a a Runner), Callie  (TCU University, Married and Runner).

My main sport is Team Roping, I've been doing that all my life. 

I started running in the spring of 2010.

I Just Run               

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Brooks Racer ST 5 (Race Shoes) Lifetime Miles: 146.57
Saucony Kinvara 2 (Race Shoes) Lifetime Miles: 430.23
Swim Time Lifetime Miles: 26.00
Trek (Road Bike) Lifetime Miles: 1256.25
Altra-Instinct-Blue Lifetime Miles: 551.67
Altra Instinct Black Lifetime Miles: 520.10
Altra Paradigm Black Second Pair Lifetime Miles: 7.00
Saucony Kinvara 2 Green (Race Shoes) Lifetime Miles: 145.70
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

65 miles biking @ 18 mph  =  13.1 running @ 7:19 Pace ...  !!!

That's the way I figure it after today's bike ride.  My friends at work talked me into riding in this "Tour" call "Tour DeGruene. It just happened to be in the little town of Gruene (it's a tourist town near the Guadalupe River) and the same place I ran the Half Marathon last week. There were about 2,000 riders. There was a variety of distances you could ride with 65 being the longest. Although this was not a race, a few of the people riding (including me) decided to make it something like that. As we started out, I could see there were some more serious riders who jumped out in the front, I stuck with the group of about 25 and rode with them as one by one they dropped off. At about 20 miles, we were averaging 21-22 miles per hour with about a dozen riders and it was about this point that I had my first mishap. As I was going up a really quick hill, I double shifted and my chain came off. This is where lost the first pack. While I was putting, my chain back on I decided to take my light jacket off and tie it around my waist (bad mistake!). (Side note: It was really cold this morning so I had leg and arm sleeves on, toe covers, a windbreaker and full gloves on. Even with all this on me was freezing to death! It was about 38 degrees and really cold when riding at 20 miles per hour.) We after losing the first pack I rode for several miles by myself until a second pack came up behind me. I drifted in with them and started another good run for several miles. We had a quick stop at the halfway point and got back on track averaging, with this pack about 19 miles per hour. At about mile 40 is where I had the real problem...The windbreaker I had tied around my waist hung down and got caught in my rear break causing my back wheel to lock up! At 20 miles per hour, when your back tire locks up, I can tell you what happens. You either crash or skid for about 30 feet! Well, I did the better of the two; I skidded about 30 feet with smoke boiling off my back tire. There were about 6 bikes directly behind me and some how none of them hit me or crashed! I can tell you, it's a pretty scary feeling going that fast and then, all of a sudden, skidding to a complete stop. I got off my bike and after a few minutes got my jacket untangled. My back tire now has a nice long flat spot on it :-( So, obviously this is where I lost the second pack. Again, I was on my own for quite a few miles but finally at about mile 55 I got hooked back up with a third pack of riders.

This ride was supposed to be a "Tour" but I treated it more like a hard training ride and really didn't enjoy the scenery as you're supposed to do on a tour. I don't think my legs are fully recovered from the race on Saturday, as they were tired and a little sore even before I started the ride. I want to go back and look at my Garmin download to see just what the elevation changes were on this ride. It was very hilly! Compared to how the Races (foot races) are run, this was pretty poor. With 2,000 riders, you would think they would provide some drinks and snacks at the end but there was nothing. Just ride across the finish line and go home...pretty boring. I think the entry was $60 or $70. Way too expensive for just a crummy T-shirt. I like running better!

Overall, I would say the experience was okay but I wouldn't plan my vacation around another one. My biggest concern now is that I've trashed my legs for my first marathon training run on Monday. I'll just have to see how they feel on Monday morning. I may be running a lot slower than the plan calls for :-(

Psalm 50:9-11

9 I have no need of a bull from your stall
   or of goats from your pens,
10 for every animal of the forest is mine,
   and the cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know every bird in the mountains,
   and the insects in the fields are mine.

From Dan on Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 00:49:06 from

Heck of a ride. I like the logic, and I wouldn't weigh too much on just one Monday run. Today was worth it.

From Rye on Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 01:27:32 from

A very eventful ride! That is real chilly on a bike with those temps. Those are Idaho like temps. Are you confident in groups riding now? It took me several seasons before I got used to the bumping and jostling of hard group riding. Great ride! You'll recover just fine.

From I Just Run on Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 10:06:17 from

Dan, I probably didn't word that very well. I was really only thinking about my Monday run being a little less and then getting back on track.

Rye, I'm doing better on the group riding but I still feel like I weave back and forth too much. When it gets really fast an tight I get kinda panicky!

Interesting today I don't have any soreness...just tired muscles.

From JG on Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 14:37:34 from

Great ride, bummer about chain, would have been nice to see how long you could have held on to those guys ... never easy to get it going when you end up in no man's land unexpectedly.

Lets see, mis-shift, jacket in brakes ... I can hear the experienced riders laughing at you ... little do they know once you get it all figured out, they will be in trouble.

There are probably a hundred diff't opinions on how biking miles translate to running miles! My opinion is there is no correct answer ... they work completely different muscles. However I will say a 4 hour aerobic effort is equivalent to ... a 4 hour aerobic effort! whatever you are doing ... I think you are selling your cycling miles short with a 5 to 1 ratio!

From I Just Run on Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 15:04:28 from


Ha ha...yeah I'm pretty much an ametour in both running and biking...doing odd and stupid things sometimes.

Regarding the comparrison my only issue is that in biking you can't keep your HR and effort at a (high) specfic rate while riding. Although I didn't wear my monitor on this ride it always spikes up and downwhile riding, it's just not the same. Maybe I should try running in spurts of fast and slow and see if I can improve my overall speed :-)

From JG on Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 15:12:50 from

Running in spurts is called a fartlek run ... and yes, that is one of the best ways to improve speed! I would agree there will always be more HR variation on a bike, but that is mostly mental, allowing the wheels to roll while gaining ground without effort. However, if you set your mind on averaging 23 mph, I don't think you would see your HR drop too much ... I do an hour long Spin class where I am ready to pass out at the end of class ... just takes more discipline to keep the effort level up ... you can't do that in running, or all of a sudden you drop to a 12 minute pace!

From flatlander on Sun, Nov 06, 2011 at 21:28:00 from

Very entertaining account, even if it was at your expense. That biking is a whole other world, amazing that you are so experienced at it already. Hoping for a good run tomorrow.

From SlowJoe on Mon, Nov 07, 2011 at 15:39:53 from

Wow, there a lot of things that can trip you up with those bike rides. Sounds like you were keeping up with the best of them until the problems hit. Very impressive!

From Steam8 on Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 08:56:17 from

What an adventure! Sounded fun, scary and hard! Glad you are okay and didn't end up injured from a crash!

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