a.m. Easy miles around 8:40-50 pace.
p.m. 30 mins elliptical, 7 x 2 min hard, 1 easy.
Core strength: 3 x plank to pushup (20), bike crunches (20), swiss ball passovers (feet to hands)(15), hanging leg raises (15) and weighted side bends with 20lb kettle bell (20 each side)
I wasnt experiencing any pain while hopping or running, though I am "aware" of the injury site while running. It wouldnt even reach "discomfort" or register on the pain scale.
Afterwards, (and probably tomorrow) will feel some discomfort. I've read that as long as you're not starting the run with discomfort, its fine. Have final follow-up doc appt tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get the thumbs up!