AM Total run time 1:07:28 Did a cut down run today a main road outside my house. It's kinda busy with traffic, but there's really big shoulder's and it's virtually flat, so it's good for speedwork. I was hoping I culd wear shorts today, but it's still a little too chilly. Ran 1.04 warm-up and definitely feeling those final miles from yesterday. Did 2 x 1.25 miles with 3:30 rest between(splits were 7:57, a 6:20 avg., and 8:07, a 6:30 avg.), then 2 x 1 mile with 3:30 rest(splits were 6:26, 6:30), and last was 4 x .25 with 1:30 rest to finish the workout(splits were 86, 85, 86, 86). Ran .61 back to my house for a cool down. Overall I'm happy that I hit my half marathon pace for for the long intervals considering I felt pretty sluggish to start out, and ran hard in tights and my regular trainers. PM Did some core with 1 set of running pose , and chair pose