AM Heber built a new rec center that has a .20 mile indoor track, hooray! There are pro's and con's, but beggers can't be choosers right? I like the size and it has huge windows on the one side for nice views of the mountains. The downside is there are a bunch of tennis courts, basketball courts and mini soccer fields, so there are a few really congested areas. It also has rather tight corners. Overall I dig the size compared to the track in Park City(8.5 laps = 1 mile in Park City, while 5 laps = 1 mile here), it's also closer to my home, cheaper, and they offer complimentary locks for the lockers. So I'm stoked on it. go Heber! Run: 2 snowy miles with Griffin, no watch. Then off to the track. 1.6 miles warm-up 10 x .20 miles at 5:20 pace, with .30 mile recovery. Avg. HR 159, Peak HR was 174 1.6 mile cool-down Total of 8.2 miles in 59:25, avg. 7:14 per mile
Strength: 30 push-ups, 1 set of single leg squat, deep squat, & running pose. Drills: 2 sets of butt-kicks, high-knees, carioca, and stiff leg