AM Total run time 53:06 Did a cut down run at the gym. Thanks to daylight savings, my 7am runs have gone from 25 degrees and sunny to 10 degrees and dark, so the track sounded more fun today. Did a mile warm-up and saw a friend, so talked for a little bit, then it was time to get serious. Did 2 x 1 mile with 3:00 recovery(splits were 6:26 & 6:19), then 2 x .50 with 1:30 recovery(splits were 3:00 & 3:02), then did 4 x .25 with 1:00 recovery(splits were 86, 87, 85, & 84). I ran a 7:02 mile to cool down, which was a lot faster than it should be for a cool down, but I was feeling good, and pressed for time. I ran in my racing flats today, and discovered that I feel more stable in these than my tangents, and so I think my mystery is solved. The toe box on my Tangents are narrower than my regular trainers, which was making me feel off balance. I feel more comfortable in my flats than my Tangeents, even thought the tow box is the same size, which seems wierd, but the reasoning is my flats are lower to the gournd, eliminating the higher center of gravity produced by the Tangents. So even though my Tangents are only 2 oz. heavier (9.4 vs. 7.6 for flats) all that weight is cut from eliminating cushoining which makes them higher off the ground. I think I'm gonna ditch the Tangents. PM Did some core along with 4 x 10 dips, and 2 x 10 squats, lunge squats, good mornings, and running pose.