Ran the Top of Utah Marathon today. Did it as a combined long run and also (more importantly) pace my buddy (and sometimes brother) David to his first sub-3hr marathon. Great morning to run, perfect temps. We planned to run at 2:55 pace, using my pace chart, but we were bleeding about 5s/mile on all of our splits...but bleeding in a good direction, as each split was faster than it should have been. Hit the half in about 1:25:10, and then did the second half in about 1:28:02. So running faster than we were supposed to worked out for good, as Dave "stuck" the pace, and pulled out a huge 9-minute PR or so. 2:53:12 for the official time, and we were 18th and 19th overall, beating our seeds of 37 and 38. And we were also 2nd and 3rd in the age division, which is cool. Had a lot of fun this morning, and Dave ran tough and really deserved the PR. Also enjoyed running with the big sub-3 pack, with folks including Allie, Scott, Jason Mc, Keith Anderson, and meeting other folks at various points of the race. Had a lot of support along the course from bikers and people watching the race, something that I think has improved about TOU over the years. 27 miles for the day, rounding out the week's mileage to an even 103. Will post splits tomorrow.
Here are splits: First Half: 6:26, 6:29, 12:55 (2 miles), 6:33, 6:31, 12:52 (2 miles), 12:55 (2 miles), 12:48 (2 miles), 6:48 (1:25:10 for half marathon) Second Half: 6:16, 6:13, 6:27, 6:23, 6:32, 7:00, 7:03 (2:10:18 for 20 miles), 6:38, 7:05, 7:00, 6:43, 7:15, 6:56, 1:15.