Today, I went to Bills workout. We did the normal vertical lap warm up. Then we did step ups, 3 sets of circuits, wall sits and stretched. Then we went on a run. I was told to go for an hour or so. I went from the teacher parking lot, out turning left of 1300 east, going up on 8th south to guardsman and did the shriners run from there. That brought me to six when I got back to the school. Then I decided to stop at the track because I was at like 40 minutes at this point so I did a mile at the track and I saw Bill there, from the track I did .3 of a mile at the teacher parking lot with Kylie to finish out her run with her. So I did almost a mile more than 7 but the extra I did is evening out the mileage for whatever I needed throughout the week. I shouldve just gone the 8 with the fast group because we went the same pace and I got back about 8 minutes before everybody else. Next time I will go with them. My distance and speed is coming back. |