Because of the absolutely horrible weather outside, it is still snowing! My mom wouldn't let me go do the original plan workout. As I was changing to go to the fieldhouse while my sister took her last final, they left without me so I was stuck doing the workout on the elliptical/bike. I started with 30 minutes of elliptical and then 5 miles on the bike. At mile 2 on the bike I had to stop and run upstairs because I left my glasses on the elliptical machine and I didn't want them to get broken. I am counting this as 5 miles because it was 50 minutes of constant work on the legs at a hard pace. On the elliptical I had the resistence on 2 then every 5 minutes I upped the resistence 1 and ended on 7 resistence. Then I biked 5 miles and that felt really easy so every half mile I did a half mile hard then one recovery. After that I did my crunches, push ups, planks and calf raises. Then I finally ended with 20 lunges on each leg. My legs are tired! Now it is time to FINALLY brush my teeth and get ready for the day. I love Christmas Break!