did my same 5 down to the smithsonians and back. ran for 5 mins straight, then walk, then 3 more mins, then ankle wasbothering me so walked the rest, until about 2 hours later when I was coming back and started to get worried that it was getting dark and the neighborhood was shady and I though I might be lost. but I wasnt! until I tried to meet my friend and got the blue line metro instead of the orange one! me so stupid! my ankle makes me so sad. am I going to ever run again? I don't think I posted about mylast dr apppt, but the crack is still there, the doc doesn't know why its not healing, since mri and bone density are normal, and he wants to talk surgery if the crack is still there in 6 weeks in august. I finally had to officially surrender hood to coast. he said I could try running but had to stop if it hurts. suuuuckkkkk. |