That's right, I ran today! And it didn't feel bad! It didn't feel great, but it didn't feel bad either! So the doctor yesterday didn't think it was a stress fracture, and the xray looked good, so he said to try running a few times and if its still bothering me in 2 weeks we'll get an MRI to investigate and find out if the stress fracture is really there or not. He did notice that my left leg is still so much weaker than my right from the original break/casting/boot/rest period and said I should go to physical therapy (which uhhh, I should have gone to 6 months ago!). So I had my first PT appointment today, which was all just the evaluation stuff. It was embarassingly obvious how much weaker my left leg was, and she noticed some weird alignment things and things with my big toe I didn't really understand that could be causing the problems. So hopefully this will all help a lot. Unfortunately this place is so busy its hard to get my 2nd appointment, right now I don't have one for 2 weeks and I just have to hope someone canceled. So I had my bike ready for the usual run with Lisa and Anya at BPA, but thought maybe? So first I walked .25 and then ran .5 on the treadmill at home, and I didn't really feel it! So I decided to do a short run with them and then I would grab my bike if I needed to, but I didn't need to! Knock on wood, but I hope hope hope maybe its on the mend, and the PT will help keep these problems from coming back. 3.19 miles at BPA TT: 34:00 AP: 10:39