So tired. Did a 1,400 foot drop run with Kasey today out on Pumpkin Ridge Road. Did some finagling to leave a car at the top and the bottom, thank goodness. I feel much better about H2C after this - I need to make sure that this is the pace I do though, no getting carried away. 8 has to be my max! In other news, for the first time EVER, had my pepper spray in my hand, the top popped, and nearly sprayed today. We were nearly attacked by some horrible dog that came all the way across the street at us and was going crazy barking and growling at us and wouldn't let us pass. It was scary and of course its owners were nowhere in sight. Kasey and I counteracted each other by taking completely different tactics (her being "good cop" soothing and me being "bad cop" go home!). Need to research the right thing to do! Luckily we made it unscathed. Then Kasey and bf made me a delicious salmon dinner! But now its so late and I'm exhausted and the big presentation is tomorrow. Wish me luck! TT: 49:03 AP: 8:17 Splits: 8:01, 8:01, 8:51 (this is the dog mile, so the stand-off was only about 40 seconds but felt neverendingly terrifying), 8:01, 8:13, 8:37 (uphill at the end)