6am- Today was a really fun day of running. The morning was pretty fun. It was raining really hard and we were all soaked when we got back to the high school. 3pm- From 10 o clock to 3 o clock there was no rain, then right when we started running it started raining. It was awesome! Running in the rain is the best. So we did 6 miles with 3 fartleks. Our rout was up by sunrise tires, then up on to foremaster. We ran along foremaster then back down and up past costco to pineview. We did our fartleks starting at the new greek resturant thing, top of foremaster ridge, and by the dinosaur museum. I felt good the whole time and no trouble with my heel. I think the strassburg sock is really helping a ton and i love being able to run and not worry about my heel hurting.