Member Since:
Jun 14, 2008
Goal Type:
Running Accomplishments:
I've finished a couple of races here and there...
Short-Term Running Goals:
Maybe one day I'll be enough of a runner to run a race.
maybe not...
Long-Term Running Goals:
My ultimate long term goal is to die young as late as possible...
Rule #1: Cardio - Zombies lead a very active lifestyle, so should you.
Favorite Blogs:
and a good time was had by all...
5:15am orange theory workout... tough to push that early...
"exercise in the morning before your brain figures out what's happening..."
"The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly." - Corra Harris
ran to and from 0515 ot workout... great way to start the day, but makes for a bit of an early morning...
(maybe should add that there were also around 1000m of rowing and lots of circuit dumbell/bodyweight exercises afterward...)