Two runs in Sayulita, Mexico:
am: 40-45 minutes on a trail south of town. Krissy and I headed out a road that I had seen some runners on, just to see what was there. After a dead-end turn we ran into a guy who looked like a runner. He was going out for 45 minute and invited us. (So naturally, being in a safe place like Mexico we followed a stranger into the jungle. Believe me, it made sense at the time.) Up and down some dirt roads, finding some single track through a thin forest, jumped some barbed wire and ended up on a really isolated beach. Then some sand running, a scramble over some rocks to a second quiet beach, then looped back on the dirt roads. Then a yoga class with the stranger, John, who had become a friend. Maybe five miles, but hard to say with the beach running. pm: 40 minutes the other direction from town, just meandering around some more dirt roads and trails trying to get our bearings. A few loops over the same territory, until we found one good climb to get up (almost) above the city. Ran back in the dark, sun went down on us before we could find a great sunset-watching spot. On both runs my right knee bothered me (pretty sure it's the IT band), but not so painful I had to stop. Kind of a dull, thick feeling that would come and go in intensity. Worse going downhill, and on the uneven cobblestone streets in Sayulita. But really good to be running in the sun, and running again after Chuckanut. I didn't expect it, but I really was never sore from the 50k. Tired the day after, no doubt, but none of the usual muscle soreness a marathon would leave. So other than the IT thing, which I knew was coming because it felt pounded on that last 10k, I really recovered without a problem. Of course, the adrenaline going in anticipation of Mexico at 85 degrees may have helped mask that.
brooks cascadia