Workout day. Chilly fall morning, so the first two miles were a little slower than usual to get my blood flowing. Usual workout route, Tracyton Beach Road, and began the tempo when I hit Lebo, just before the bridge. Five miles at CV pace. Miles went 5:48 (starts on a downhill), 6:12 (slight uphill, but that one is always slow and I don't really know why), 6:07, 6:06, 6:00. I was a more consistent than two weeks ago with this workout,
and definitely felt stronger and more comfortable, even with adding a mile. I was especially happy with how I responded to the last mile, as 4 ended I was starting to feel winded and wasn't sure what I had left. Felt very light and springy on the way home and probably was a little quicker than appropriate for a cool down, maybe I should have done a 6-mile workout. 1:08 total.
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