Vacation day today (which means I went in and worked for 1.5 hours, of course) so I did a mid-morning workout. Rained pretty hard overnight, so I was glad to let that pass and head out when there was no more than a mist in the air. Headed out toward Tracyton Beach Road, pretty tight and tired those first two miles. Legs just felt heavy getting going, although the warmup pace was pretty good (7:20, but that was probably the morning's coffee talking). Hit the bridge on Lebo and started the usual Tinman course. First mile was fast (always is, with the downhill), at 5:40, then hit 6:06, 6:03, 6:08. The third mile was the toughest, oxygen debt started about then. But I was pleased with the strong finish, and actually felt pretty light by the last half mile. Three mile cool down back to the house, went via Shore Drive and the little 100-foot trail that's become a nice little moment of Zen on that repetative run. For feeling so behind on speedwork training, it was a good run. Six weeks until the marathon (and Paul is coming up now, hurrah!), so hopefully I have time for a few more meaningful workouts like this one. Now I drive to the airport and fly to LA, where it's 90 and I'll melt if I head out. Plus my friends there want to play golf. Golf. Maybe I'll do intervals to where I hit my ball out of bounds. Now that will be a workout! 1:01:38 supernova glide -- 140