Just a few easy morning miles to make sure my legs are alright after yesterday. I went pretty slowly, I'm dogsitting and this dog is unaccustomed to running (or just out of shape) so I couldn't even push the tempo after 2 miles or so if I wanted to. Almost none of that hamstring/hip pain the I felt Saturday, which was good. I have a feeling all the treadmill miles may be the source of some of that tightness in my legs. It seems that at the end of a week when I've been on the treadmill a few times I'll have some dull pain and tightness, and when I'm on the machine I can feel that my legs don't quite stretch out as much as I'd like. I'll try to do more of a mix this week, weather permitting. I think I've been neglecting to stretch as thoroughly as I should be as well, today I went at it and could tell I hadn't been pushing as much as I could. Anyway, a better mindset than yesterday, which is a good way to start the week. Now to not get too fat sitting and watching Super Bowl commercials while eating chicken wingadores all afternoon. supernova -- 57