Early morning run along Beach Drive with the Slugs Club. Not as cold as I had anticipated, which was nice and once the sun came up it was perfect winter running weather: cloudy day, between 35-40, no wind or precipitation. I set out for 12, running with this guy Henry. He was going 16 so I met him at mile 2, figuring I'd come back and stop to shave off the four miles. But after the turnaround at mile 8 we really got into a groove and had a great pace going -- right about 7:15 -- so I ran all the way back to his starting point. I was pulling him along by the end, and didn't feel nearly as fatigued as I thought I would for my longest run of the year. The four-mile bump from last week didn't break my legs down at all until the last 800m or so, when I got a bit creaky. Really encouraging run, especially to do the miles at a good clip without too much strain. The run was a great end to a really good week of running. The mini-workout on Wednesday didn't seem to affect me much, so hopefully I'll have a chance to push another few fast miles in the coming week. I'm going to try and go over 40 for next week, and hover around or just above that mileage for a few weeks. supernova -- 29