The sun came out midday, it was one of our really mild January days the PNW gets every once in awhile. The clouds rolled in just as I was getting going though, so it wasn't quite as warm as I would have liked. But still, a shorts run in winter is always nice.
Out to Tracyton boat launch and back, heading down to Shore Drive on the way in to add a little extra. Out in a little over 36 minutes, then a slightly better pace coming in. 1:14 total, with a stop at the turnaround to look at the mountains.
My left knee is bothering me a bit, nothing major but I felt soreness yesterday afternoon and evening, and tonight just a slight ache. Could be the shoes, I'm due to start weaning off this pair. But a good week overall, considering I got some tempo and increased mileage and felt good on this run. I'd probably like 1-2 more weeks of training than what's left but I'll do with what we've got.
supernova glide -- 289