5.5 miles in 7:17 pace Happy Birthday to Aaron! Got up and made french toast, fed the kids and got them dressed and ready to go for the day so Aaron could sleep in. He woke up around 8 am and took the kids to the gym with him so he could work out and I could go running. After talking to my ART guy yesterday about whether or not it is still possible for me to build up to do Boston, I decided I should avoid running on uneven, icy surfaces and seek out flat, dry surfaces. So this morning I left for my run fired up to go do some interval work. Decided I would do 3X10 minutes at 6:20-6:30 pace instead of doing the group workout in Boulder since that workout was a lot of shorter, faster stuff run on crusty trails. Warmed up 20 minutes, stretched, and did some easy strides. Ran 10 minutes at 6:18 pace. Noticed that my left hamstring felt pretty tight and my right adductor was not liking the speed either. Jogged for 3 minutes. I started the next interval more conservatively at 6:33 pace and went for 4 minutes, but my form just kept getting uglier and uglier and I became overly frustrated so I just stopped. And walked. Lots of thoughts flooded my mind, mostly discouraging, dispairing ones. As I continued walking I noticed I was limping again. Not limping at the beginning of the run, but limping now. Great. I've done it again. Maybe I just need to stop pushing the pace altogether. Maybe I need to stop hoping I can get it together quickly enough to run Boston and just take my time getting over this injury. Its obvioulsy not willing to heal as quickly as I hoped it would and I keep trying to push it and it just comes back. I really want this injury to heal and I also really want to run Boston but I'm feeling very mentally fatigued from trying to train when my body is not cooperating. Maybe I should just set other non-running related goals to keep me motivated in life in general and when my body gives me the green light to progress in running again, I can do so. For now I'm just going to try not to think about it and have a fun time with Aaron on his Birthday. He agreed to go to Chuck-e-Cheese with the kids tonight (Abe's idea) but I think we'll eat dinner at home and just go there to play since their pizza is hardly edible. The kids and I made him a yummy cake and I think I will take one freebie slice of cake on my husband's 30th birthday since its almost the end of my no sugar month, and I haven't taken any freebies yet. |