Of course my baby chooses the night before my long run to cry from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. I guess she doesn't really have a choice when those teeth decide to descend. Poor thing. So I only got 5 hours of sleep, but at least I got a nap this afternoon. And believe me, I'll be going to bed early tonight! 22 miles is exhausting!! I went alone early this morning. Didn't make it out last night to plant water bottles so I just carried the fuel belt and stashed it at mile 7.5 since I knew there would be water at my turn around point and I could pick it up on the way back. Then I stashed it again on the way back at mile 17 and planned to go pick it up later, which I haven't done yet...guess I'll be taking the kids for a ride this evening. I like the fuel belt for its convenience but it does tend to give me a bellie ache after more than 5 miles. The route I have been doing for my long runs has drinking fountains at mile 1.5, 5.25, and 10 anyway so its easy to improvise but I do still like to have gatorade instead of water for the energy. I don't mind carrying a couple of gu's in my hands though...much better than wearing the fuel belt. I noticed the billions of prarie dogs near the sewage treatment plant between miles 7-9 and again coming back through miles 13-15 are starting to look very plump and well-fed. I guess the grass and weeds are very fertilized in that area. The plumpness of the prarie dogs must mean that fall is coming. Those lil' dogs get so fat right before winter and then I dont see them for 6 months and they re-appear in the spring looking all skinny and hungry. Funny how this cycle is pretty much opposite for me. I get skinny after working out all summer and then I usually put on a few pounds through the winter/holidays and when spring comes its time to go get skinny again. As you can see, 22 miles all by my lonesome can get a little boring. I did have one exciting event right near the end that captivated my thinking for a few moments. I saw a person on a cruiser bike that I SWEAR was a man dressed as a lady. S/He was all decked out in a nice silk sweater, purple polka-dot hankie over his/her wig-looking hair, pressed green capris, and a calm, serene look on his/her face...almost as if s/he was asleep; looked a lot like little red riding hood. I only noticed him/her for a few moments as we passed, so I didn't get a great look...but I was pretty alarmed with the masculinity of his jaw and largeness of his clean shaven legs. BURT? Did you happen to ride your bike through Denver today?