Biked 18.69 miles in 1:16 with 1,033 ft elevation change Aaron rode the same route right after I got home, only he did it 3mph faster than me. My hip is still weak and causes disruption in my daily routine of walking, squatting to pick things up, and standing on one leg at a time to put shoes or clothing on. 24 degrees this morning at 7 am when I hopped on the bike. Sun came up over Standley Lake around mile 4 (SO beautiful). Despite wearing warm socks and biking booties, my feet started to feel cold around mile 8. After a downhill in the shade near mile 10, my feet were painfully frozen. I literally cried out loud three different times as I pedaled the remaining 8 miles home. When I got home I cried again as I soaked my frozen feet in warm water. My 3yo daughter came in to soak her feet with me and offer words of comfort as my feet regained feeling. Reminded me of the time I raced in Ames, IA for the NCAA Cross Country National Championships in November, 2000. It was 4 degrees (-19 windchill). My eyelashes, hands, nose, forearms and most painfully, my FEET were frozen. After the race I went to the rental car to warm up and screamed as I regained feeling in my feet. Frozen feet are really not my favorite thing.