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St. George Marathon

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Member Since:

Jun 19, 2006



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Short-Term Running Goals:

 2022 Running Goals:

Stay fit and healthy.  Run a decent Boston and St. George marathon.




Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep fit and stay semi-competitive as long as I can.



I have a wonderful wife and son and we live in Riverton/Herriman Utah. I am a high school teacher, and head coach for cross country and track at Mountain Ridge High. 


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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Type A Lifetime Miles: 66.60
Saucony Kinvara 8 Green Lifetime Miles: 131.90
Hoka Speedgoat 3 Lifetime Miles: 444.95
Nike Zoom Fly (Black) Lifetime Miles: 236.85
Saucony Endorphin Pro Lifetime Miles: 59.50
Saucony Endorphin Shift Lifetime Miles: 235.50
Saucony Triumph 18 Gray Lifetime Miles: 131.20
Nike ZoomX Invincible FK 2 Lifetime Miles: 113.25
Altra Rivera 2 Black Lifetime Miles: 31.62
Nike Zoom Alphafly Lifetime Miles: 35.10
Under Armour Infinite Pro Lifetime Miles: 35.10
Nike Infinity React 4 Lifetime Miles: 47.10
Race: St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:39:05, Place overall: 20, Place in age division: 3
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

 We stayed with Clyde and Mik'L this year which was fun for us.  I wasn't worried about this year because it had already sucked so bad that I figured anything decent would be a highlight.  My goal is always to break 2:30 which will happen next year, if I can get back to 100% health, but I knew there wasn't a shot this year.  I figured I was in enough shape with my 1000 mile year, no speedwork to speak of, and one little race that I could still run between 2:35 and 2:40.  I would have loved to run with Walter and Greg but I knew they were way ahead of me and I would only slow them down.  So I figured I would just go out and see how I felt and whatever happened happened.

I didn't do great with my splits but I'll show what I had just for future reference.

Mile 1-   6:02 

2-   6:10

3-4   11:43

5-6   11:38

7-8   12:42

9-10   12:54    1:01:11 at the 10 mile mark

11-12   13:08

13-13.1   6:56    1:21:16 at the half

13.1-14   5:14

15-16   11:22

17-18  11:49

19-20  12:19   2:02:03 at 20 miles

21-22   11:55

23   5:49

24-25.2  13:03

25.2- 26.2  6::05   Last 10k in 36:55

Not much to say really.  I was alone from mile 1 until I saw Dave drop at mile 18 or 19, then I caught 4 more guys in the last 10k.  I lost a lot of motivation to push just being out by myself the entire race, and you can see where I was lazy. 

The kicker for me was that I got screwed on planting my drinks on the elite tables which cost me time and more time because of not getting what I needed.  At mile 7 I stopped to get my first GU and they didn't have it at the table.  I could have used it too.  When I got to mile 11 to get my drink it wasn't there either, by this time I was mad and even said a few choice words I probably shouldn't have.  A little bit up the road I saw my bottle empty and on the road.  At mile 15 again no drink, empty bottle on the road.  Mile 19 no GU, packet empty on the road.  Finally I got one of my five plantings at mile 23, but by then it did me no good.  Some scum was taking my stuff ahead of me, probably some reject that didn't plant anything themselves.  I was so mad it was probably good I never found them.  I was hoping some volunteer would tell me what number was taking my stuff or that I would come up on somebody in the act but it never happened.  I let the race directors have several ear fulls when I got in.  I was and still am in the mood to drop the scum that was doing it.  That whole deal put a damper on the whole race for me.  I was counting on that stuff to help me out, and the thought that someone was taking it and didn't care how bad they screwed whoever's stuff it was made me furious. 

The good thing is I still drug myself across the line before 2:40.  It was a good day to run if I would have been in condition to race fast.  But there is always next year.  Seeing Walter, Greg, Marcie, and Josse do so well made me happy too.  It was fun to see Clyde and Logan drag Paul across before 3 hours too.  I still ended up 20th overall and 3rd in the age because of the weaker field, but I''ll take those places weak or not.

The weekend was good.  I saw a lot of good friends, had a nice time, and I finished with a respectable time and place for a rough year.  I am not going to hang it up and do ultras, I'll be back and faster than before.



Saucony Tangent 2 Miles: 26.20
From Kelli on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 15:17:48 from

Very nice job!!! I am sure you will have the year you want next year, but you still did great and amaze me!

From Jon on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 16:52:14 from

You should give up those darn road marathons and come join the rest of us in the new cool thing- ultras and trail races!

Sorry you didn't have a great race. You did get your sub-2:40 goal, at least, which I think is good supposing your late training this year and is far better than most of us could do off that training (myself included). Maybe you should come back to Logan so we can force you to train starting in January!

From RivertonPaul on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 17:21:31 from

I wish I could be disappointed with your time, but I know everything is relative. I was hoping my daughter was going to have you this year as an excuse to come see you in person.. :)

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 18:28:35 from

Okay, Mister!! What is with making those poor kids run up and down the hill? How many times did they have to do that??? I passed all of the boys on my way up to the school (the one at the top of the hill) and I was there for a bit. BUT, sure enough, on my way down, there were all of the boys and some girls running back down. I was so confused at what was taking them so long, but I realized after traveling a bit further that you were making them run up and down over and over again!! Mean, Mean, Mean. But maybe I just think that because I am in so much pain right now, it looked like torture. They are going to be TOUGH runners!!!!

I bet they just LOVE that you live by that great hill!

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 18:58:45 from

I am back....seriously James!! I had to head back up to the school at 4:25 to pick my son up from tutoring and they were still running (although you had moved from the bottom of the hill to the top, IN YOUR CAR!) How many times did they have to run that blasted hill?

You are an awesome coach, these X-country kids are TOUGH!!! I can barely conquer that thing once.

From James on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 20:22:09 from

Thanks everyone!

Paul- I wasn't really disappointed in my race, just the year overall was tough for me. I was motivated to get out and train hard and I couldn't hardly run all year. We should just hook up on a run sometime because I would like to meet you as well.

Jon- You guys are too fast and young to ruin yourselves, like Corbin Talley did, on those ultras. That is something, if I get into it at all it will be in 15 years when I have no speed and tons of endurance. I do need to come visit you guys, even if you took me off of your favorites!:) As soon as I am totally healthy I won't need anyone to force me out the door. Besides I might come up to TOU half next year just to beat you so you can't throw in the towel.

Kelli- My kids were doing 6 x 800 meter repeats up that hill. We have region next week and they need some hills under their legs. There are zero hills in Riverton! I walked up the hill and back down and froze my butt off for an hour or more watching them run, that is torture! No car for me.

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 20:35:13 from

Okay, you get credit for walking up that hill a few days after a marathon. I was crying just thinking about it!

Region should be great for you guys, if they can do that hill 6 times, they can do anything!! Good luck to you and them.

Oh and it was cold, but all of those kids were half naked! Crazy kids.

There is one hill in Riverton--Lampton View just of 1300 West (our group runs there often). But the Herriman hill is longer and more brutal, so stick with that.

From Jon on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 20:47:54 from

James- I would have added you back to my favorites several months ago once you started looking at my blog again, but I actually enjoy giving you something to complain about. And I think you like complaining about it, too. :)

From James on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 21:10:01 from

Jon- I enjoy complaining and hearing your lame excuses, because I know I will always be one of your favorites!:)

From James on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 21:19:13 from

Kelli, you are funny! You should come out and run that hill with my kids sometime, I do. You must live pretty close?

The hills down by the river are weak compared to ones we have here. I like tough hills because they make you tough, hills can be your best friend. If you think that is tough you should have seen what they were doing at my Lava Hot Springs camp this summer.:)

The half naked part is their fault!

From Superfly on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 21:26:44 from

Good race James. Considering you haven't really run very much it's actually amazing. We loved having ya and sorry we we're so busy with side projects... kind of poor hosts. It was fun having your little guy around... he's a keeper.

From James on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 21:36:33 from

Clyde we had fun and you are great hosts! Thanks again!

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 22:27:54 from

Oh no, I totally agree that our Herriman Hills kick some major butt, the Riverbottoms hills are nothing compared to what we have. But, should you ever feel like giving those kids a break, you know where to take them!!

All of those half naked kids would kick my trash. I run the entire hill (from 13400 south to the top), but you do not see me doing it more than once!! And, those half naked kids were probably hot after running so many repeats.

I am close, just barely off of 134th. You live very close to my sister. She could possibly be your primary president?? Not sure though. My kids go to the charter school that is at the top of the hill, just east of where you were standing, thus my passing a few times today.

ANYWAY, I will stop pestering you! I am excited to hear how all of the kids do next week.

From James on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 22:37:21 from

I am in Copper Oaks ward and go to the Stake Center by the charter school. Where is your sister? We have only been here a couple of months so I don't know too many people yet.

3:22 in a marathon, I doubt they would kick your trash! I'll invite you for the next hill workout. You would love our Yellow Fork runs!:)

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 22:43:26 from

I know that is my sisters Stake Center, but I do not think it is her church. I think the boundaries are really weird right by where you told me you lived. Is there someone in your bishopric named Jared Blank?

My sister is on Hoyt Peak Circle, just north of you.

I may be able to beat them up the hill once, I can do anything once, but not 6 times. I was looking at some of their times and I was very impressed. Speedy kids!

What do you teach? My daughter is a junior at the High School. She is on the soccer team. They play Bingham on Wednesday and MUST win---pray for them!

From James on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 23:11:58 from

No not my ward. My neighbor to the West of me is in a different ward and the neighbors to the North are in another ward, crazy!

I know a lot of girls on the soccer team, and I hope they beat down Bingham of course. I teach Health, Science, and sometimes PE.

From jtshad on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 12:31:11 from

Congrats on a solid race coming off an injury and low mileage year. Sorry about the water stop situation (a big reason I haven't used them in my races and carry some with me).

Keep up the hard work and 2:30 will be there for you (maybe you, Walter and I can team up for the push next year at SGM!).

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 15:52:27 from


Whoever was taking your bottles was running faster than you. So he probably had his own, they just looked like yours, or possibly had the wrong number written on them.

If you want to do an investigation :-) There were not that many people that were ahead of you at any of the aid stations, and a good number of them are on the blog. I did not do it, I got only mine. I know Jeff got his as well.

From Paul on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 16:07:35 from

I already said so on Facebook, but nice race.

Too bad about the bottles. I decided after my 2007 St George that the bottles actually slowed me down, and if I ever do another marathon that offers them, I'll probably just turn it down and use the stock fluids.

Funny story about taking the wrong elite bottles though: at the Olympic Trials, I messed up at one of the fluid stations and took the wrong bottle (so yes, I'm guilty of it). I was so mad at myself...mad for messing someone else over, and also mad because I messed myself over from getting MY fluids! I had to just toss the bottle, since I could not bring myself ethically to drink someone else's bottle. And then at a fluid station later in the race...I did it again! This time, I realized it quickly, stopped, turned around and went back, and put the bottle back in its spot. And then I got my own bottle. It cost me about 5 seconds, and maybe one spot. I don't know what my problem was, I think my depth perception and thinking was just really mixed up.

From Kelli on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 16:44:41 from

Are they not your own bottles? Like some of them had flags on them and stuff. Counting on having those there and then not would be very difficult!

I am with Sasha, let's investigate and get an apology! Poor guy may not even realize he did it.

From RivertonPaul on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 16:45:49 from

Wish I had been the culprit.

From redrooster on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 16:59:29 from

Nice job James, great race and great time. sorry about the bottles. I swear I have an alibi. I was hiking to wind cave with my kids right about then. in Logan. So it wasn't me. really. but anyway, great race!!

From James on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 20:31:11 from

Okay, I know it was Scott now because that is the lamest story ever!:)

I probably could narrow it down to who was taking my stuff like Sasha said. I know who it wasn't and that leaves just a few little dorks that it could have been. My big thing was the ethics of it. And I was so under trained for this marathon that I needed all the help I could get! I can't race with gatorade or I would just use the stock.

Kelli- the bottles were marked very well and looked like none other there.

Paul- that is a funny story and helps me be in more of a forgiving mood. Thanks!

Riverton Paul- next time I'll leave them for you if someone in front doesn't swipe them. Or if Scott doesn't drive all the way down to St. George from Logan just to screw me over and make some story about wind caves hiking.:)

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