To the Legacy Center! I swam 10 minutes with my snorkle mask and breath-tube in so I could freestyle the whole time. Had to take brief breaks to drain nose section which wasn't staying water tight. HR 108 at the end, not bad. No pain or SI discomfort, I did not kick them. then 10 minutes walking in the pool. It felt foreign to walk with both feet. Felt slight discomfort in the pool at one step, and just kind of weird on the rest. I felt like I could have done more swimming with no negative effects. The 10 minutes of walking felt like plenty. Not really a work out but felt like some dormant muscles were waking up.
I left my snorkle gear and my running belt by the side of the pool on accident--dang it! I hope they are there tomorrow. I felt into the door with my right hip as I exited the dressing rooms, and that caused a pain in my SI of 2-3 which did not linger. PT: e-stim on back, back ultrasound and massage, then Steve came in and did some light gluteal massage, back massage and some hamstring massage and rotational exercises. He wants me to do some rotational exercises that aren't weight bearing. I'll go in again Friday.
I am feeling good so far today. My back is sore from being at work and on crutches, but no apparent negative effects from the workout. I haven't taken a muscle relaxant yet, but I think I will right now.