Yesterday some soreness in SI, slight, but more pronounced than the prior week. It wasn't concerning in itself, if I always had this niggling at this level I would be peachy, but I am concerned that I might be affected by the minimal exercise I've started. I called the rheum office to see how the preauth for enbrel went, and they hadn't started it, but they submitted it to my insurance yesterday. Since my soreness was quite low still (1-2 max yesterday) and my exercise is reasonable, I will keep going with it. One of the things to work out over the next month or two is whether I need enbrel, and I must train, or have a flare up in trying to train, to find that out. Anyway, today walked 1.7 in 30:05. Had to remind myself to take the pace easy. 17:41 pace today. I'll start fast walking next week. Light abs - easing into core training again - planks, bridge, and superman light stretching 30 min weeding