that was a rough one. It wasn't a terrible race but times were slow due to the fact that it was 72 degrees with a 70 dew point when the race started. I had some issues around mile 6 and 7 and lost my pack. Decided I wouldn't be a wuss and sped up again. I probably left 20-30 sec out on the course but man I'm tired now. Glad I didn't just jog it in.
It was quite hard after 6.5 miles. I was on an uphill portion of the bridge having serious negative thoughts, doing every coping strategy I could not to slow down. It's that really scare point in a race where you have to face the truth about yourself, after your ego drops away. You've got to have faith and believe you can do it which is not easy and hot and humid conditions with no possibility of a PR. I tripped up a bit and had a 5:39 mile in there before calming down and focusing on the task at hand. Basically I hoofed it instead of jogging in.
After the race my legs were a wreck. While cooling down I got quite dizzy and despite pounding two full bottles of water, did not pee for a long while. Once I ate something I felt better. I raced alright given the conditions but it's just so damn frustrating when we have July weather in October.
On to November, lower dew points, and better days.
Photo credit Charlie Ban
