Today was supposed to be the big day where I had a breakthrough. I was well on my way a month or so ago to hit my goal of 1:12 (5:30/mile pace). Well, as you blog readers know I was sidelined by a calf injury and then my hip was realigned which caused some strange shit with my muscles and my form that I am continuing to get used to and I only put in about 50 miles the last two weeks with no real workouts. I had no idea how this race would go but I was feeling pretty pessimistic-that I wouldn't go faster than 1:20 or finish at all for that matter. Luckily I went out there, had some fun, and helped my team to an overall first place. Although I was a minute slower than my PR, I'm happy to say that I haven't lost as much fitness as I thought I had. Great day for a race!
I started very slow with a 6:05 and I was expecting to hold that pace throughout. I had the urge to get going though and I ran the next 7 miles or so by myself in no-mans land, 400-600m behind the chase pack. I just focused on my form and relaxing. I got a little antsy a few times and surged the pace on the down hills and slowed a bit on the up hills: 5:57 (mile 2), 5:54, 5:35, 5:49, 5:47, 5:48, 5:56
I started to catch the chase pack straglers and surged around Haine's point to pass them: 5:24, 5:46, 5:24. By the last mile I was too tired and you can see I slowed but I caught my buddy Lavar and another GRC guy. Last two miles: 5:51, 5:50. I ran the race "correctly" given the shape I was in by starting slow and finishing fast. My last 5K was 17:46 according to my race results which was a 5:42 pace.
All in all a great day for running and a good race despite not being in the best of shape. I'm glad that I ran it instead of selling my bib. I'm going to go take a nap now.
Results (sort of hard to read)

Here is a picture of me joking around with Bill after the first mile. It pays not to go out too fast. Thanks to Cheryl Young for the photo.