This course is long so that sucks. Damn Bolas and Ethiopian just sat on the leader and after a 5:05 mile I took the pace and with the overall downhill second mile ran 4:51. I figured if I wanted to run an even half way decent time I had to make it an honest race. I knew those guys were after the money ($300,200,100) and I knew those guys were just dicking around with me. Reed got me too. Finished a spot out the money. Improving though. I like my GAP pace. Per Strava splits: 5:05,4:51,5:03,XX. I think the course was a bit long during the last 0.1.
PM: 1 hr. Pool run

Attempting to keep the pace honest right at the start of the second mile. Wish I were in the kind of shape that I could race for the win for once.