2.25 WU
5:47, 5:40, 5:45, 6:06
3 CD
Today was humid and warmer. I was going into this workout tired after having donemy first workout on Tuesday...anyway I had to pull the plug on this one. The plan was 5 from 5:50-5:40 range, starting out at5:55. Well that went to hell. I ended up going out a little harder because my two fast teamates were going high 5:30s pace. By the fourth mile I was going up hill on the trail and really hurting...I ran the fifth mile easy.
This was bound to happen. I've been hitting high mileage (for me) and doing that last mile would have beenof no use...just had to pull the plug. My body needs time to adapt to the increased intensity and mileage. I will be monitoring it closely to make sure I'm not doing too much. Feel great now.