AM: 2.5 WU 1600,1600,800,800,800 2.3 CD 5:00, 4:59, 2:27, 2:26, 2:22
PM: 4 easy + lifting routine, stretch, foam rolling
My strength is back and I feel good. I went out too fast and slowed it down mid interval in the first 1600. I got a little too excited but George kept me in check. Afterall, he's right when he says there's not much difference between 4:55 and 5:00 for these workout reps. No need to squeeze that extra out just to hit a time when it doesn't make sense. It also does not feel like I've lost much from my down week. It wasn't ideal getting sick that week but it's good to feel healthy and strong again. It's really easy to take that health and strength for granted.