The Long Run

Annual Florida Holiday Halfathon

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Member Since:

Mar 20, 2007



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:


  • 1 mile : 5:43 (3/2017)
  • 5K : 18:34 (12/2011)
  • 5 mile : 32:03 (5/2010)
  • 10K : 39:29 (11/2013)
  • 11K: 46:47 (July 2008)
  • Half Marathon : 1:26:47 (11/2012)
  • Marathon : 3:06:34 (02/2010)
  • 50K Trail: 4:34 (01/2012)
  • 50 Mile: 8:34:48 (4/2012)
  • 100K: 11:06 (2/2012)
  • 100 Mile: 24:19:44 (1/2022)


  • Treasure Coast Marathon (FL) - 3:39:51, Mar 2021
  • Towpath Marathon (OH) - 3:35:26, Oct 2019
  • Jacksonville Marathon - 3:31:10, Dec 2018
  • NYC Marathon - 3:49:12, Nov 2017
  • Marine Corps Marathon - 3:27:00, Oct 2016
  • Utah Valley - Jun 2016
  • Marine Corps Marathon - 3:28:12, Oct 2015
  • Pocatello Marathon (ID) - 3:32:25, Sept 2015
  • Chasing The Unicorn (PA) - 3:31:20, Aug 2015
  • Run for The Red (Poconos) - 3:30:40, May 2015
  • Boston - 3:24:42, Apr 2015
  • Clearwater - 3:27:04, Jan 2015
  • Clearwater - 3:16:17, Jan 2014
  • Boston  - 3:27:00, Apr 2011
  • DesNews - 3:10:57, Jul 2010
  • Gasparilla  - 3:06:34, Feb 2010
  • Space Coast - 3:11:29, Nov 2009
  • Estes Park  (7500' and up) - 3:52:19, Jun 2009
  • Boston - 3:17:22, Apr 2009
  • Niagara Falls - 3:19:21, Oct 2008
  • San Diego RnR  - 3:24:18, Jun 2008
  • Jacksonville Marathon -3:21:24, Dec 2007
  • Chicago Marathon - 3:35:08, Oct 2007
  • Disney Marathon - 3:52:34, Jan 2007





Short-Term Running Goals:


  • Sub 40:00 10K
  • 2:59 Marathon
  • 1:25 Half Marathon
  • 18:30 5K


Long-Term Running Goals:

Maintain my health and continuously seek to improve my fitness. Maybe someday get under 3:00 for marathon. More importantly, I'd like to figure out what my maximum ability is and reach that.

I'd also like to find the right balance in life and use running to enhance and improve myself.



Dad of  three (welcome Charlotte Dani on 8/10/20) awesome kids and stepdad to three almost as awesome as my own kids.

I have a brown dog named Stella, and three cats - Catty, Tortie, and Esperanza.

  (old lines that were a little out of date but couldn't quite bring myself to removing them completely:) Also, have one wonderful brown dog named Sammy and just added a grey tiger cat (Catty) whose life started out rough but now has a better home.

I've recently started another blog so I can easily add lots of pictures and so other non-FRB users can leave comments:

Forward Progress!

 Also, for 2012 I started a blog to write down each day one thing that I am grateful for

Grateful Blog


Love living in Florida but love to travel and see the country and rest of the world.


Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 226.48
Brooks T7 Lifetime Miles: 202.78
Brooks ST5 Lifetime Miles: 403.91
GoMeb Speed3 Lifetime Miles: 483.77
Brooks Pure Flow Lifetime Miles: 160.60
Brooks Launch(lobster) Lifetime Miles: 782.98
GoMeb Razor Lifetime Miles: 468.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTrainer 1 MilesTrainer 2 MilesRacer MilesTotal Distance
Race: Annual Florida Holiday Halfathon (13.1 Miles) 01:37:50, Place overall: 54, Place in age division: 6
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTrainer 1 MilesTrainer 2 MilesRacer MilesTotal Distance

It was a nice day for running. I received an email last night titled "Heat Advisory". I thought "oh, great, here we go again". But it was just the race directors telling everyone that it was going to be a little bit warmer than usual but nothing like Chicago and to make sure to pre-hydrate.

The packet pickup was busier than usual this year, there were at least a couple hundred more preregistered this year than last year, and they had chip timing this year for the first time. There were also a lot of people doing race day registration.

I did about 5 or 6 minutes of warm up, nothing too fast, but not too slow.

The race started a few minutes late, probably due to the registrations.

My plan was to do the first four miles easy than do the rest and planned marathon pace for next week's marathon. A guy I knew said he knew someone who was going to run at about a 7:40 pace, but I didn't know what she looked like. So we ran up to catch up with her. I caught up with her and introduced myself. I guess it was a little bit awkward since we didn't know each other. She said to have a good race, so I figured I'd just keep going. The first mile was 7:19 which was a lot faster than I planned but did not feel hard at all. It usually takes me a while to build up to this pace, but not today.

So, the next few miles continued on, a little bit slower than the first one but faster than my overall planned pace. At about 2.5 miles I thought I could not keep up this pace but I realized that this was just my not fully warmed up body talking.

At four miles was the big bridge - well not that big. It's only 25 feet above the water, but it seems larger. It's the highest "hill" on the course (there are two other pedestrian overpasses later). I don't care for the first 4 miles as much as the rest of the course. I'm not sure why because it is a nice run past a few small beach front communities.

After the bridge, it heads in land for a few miles to the Pinellas trail. It curves around past a small lake before heading onto the trail. The trail is my favorite part of the run.

A little bit after getting on the trail is the second bridge, just before the 7th mile marker.

**** The BEST PART OF THE RACE *****

As I was approaching 8.5 miles I could hear bells. These bells sounded familiar, I had heard them once before back in October. These were cow bells that Tyson chicken was giving away at the Chicago marathon. I could hear the bells first then I could see Jenny, Andy, and Noah along the side of the trail. They had found a cross road to the trail, parked, and were waiting with the bells. Not only did they cheer for me, but they waited as each person that they knew passed by as well as many strangers. Some of the people they saw looked a little down and tired as they approached and then fresh and happy after they passed.

***** back to the rest *******

It stays on the trail until just past 11 miles before turning off and into Taylor park where the finish line is located. The route goes along the sidewalk for a short time before hitting mile 12. Sometime around 6 miles the pace felt really easy compared to what this pace usually feels like. I didn't feel like I was overdoing it so I didn't slow down. When in the full sun it felt almost too hot but fortunately there was plenty of shade.

At 12 miles I thought I would just cruise through the last mile at about a 7:35 pace or so. I wasn't watching my pace and I suppose it was just the way that things worked out that I picked off a few runners. I had thought about just following someone in but they seemed to slow down, so I passed them. As the last mile was finishing I noticed my total time for the first time and realized this whole race was faster than planned (I was thinking I'd run between 1:40 and 1:42). Then, once I could see the finish clock I'd realized I'd be under 1:38.

The miles with parentheses show where the Garmin was short, although the 12th mile the Garmin measured long although I didn't note the time difference. If I hadn't messed with the lap button, I think mile 12 would have evened things out (it did last year).

Splits were: 7:19, (7:22+:09),7:36, 7:28, (7:31+13),7:39, 7:46, 7:22, 7:20, (7:24+07), 7:24, 7:31, 6:51, .13@6:10

As I approached the finish line, I decided I would not stare and focus and the finish but enjoy the moment, look around so you can really see things. Also, I ran through the finish line and slowed down after crossing, rather than before.

I felt like I had plenty left in the tank. And except for the last mile's faster pace, I felt like I could have kept up this pace for the full marathon without any problems. This run also gave me some good drinking practice. I grabbed water or gatorade at all of the stops except for one. At two of them I took water to wash down the gel that I downed just before getting to the aid stations.

*** UPDATE ****

Official results are posted now. I'm actually 6th place instead of 8th place in my age group. They must be using gun time for the official results because my time is posted as 1:37:50 instead of 1:37:42 (which they posted yesterday).

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTrainer 1 MilesTrainer 2 MilesRacer MilesTotal Distance

I didn't run today.  I felt like I could have if I had to, but this week I'm tapering.  I'll probably do a few 6 mile runs at a typical easy run pace, then a short run on Saturday.

I did take 2 dog walks of 1 mile each.  The first one with Sammy, and the second one with Barbie and Chelsea.

As I was writing yesterday's race report I was trying to get in as many facts as possible but not take up too much time.  So, unfortunately I left out the best part of the run.  I've fixed the race report entry. 

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I felt pretty well recovered today which was good.  Decided to do plenty of warm up and make a big production out of it as that seems to make the run itself easier.

Nice weather with the sun just coming up over the horizon as I started.  Did 6 miles with my usual patter of a couple slow miles followed by slightly faster.

I'm going to keep the miles lower this week but keep my pace the same.  I'm going to do a short run on Saturday since that seems to work for me as far as day before a race goes. 

Average pace: 8:16

Asics gt-2120 

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Some light cardio cross training this morning.  20 minutes on bike and 10 minutes on rowing machine.  Finished up with a few sets of arm curls and tricep exercises just to even things out.

Felt like running but didn't.  I'll run tomorrow.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTrainer 1 MilesTrainer 2 MilesRacer MilesTotal Distance

As promised yesterday, I did run today.  But I decided not to make a big production out of it and just ran from home instead.   It was cool and foggy out this morning, almost too cool for shorts and singlet.  This weekend is supposed to be much cooler in Jacksonville which is fine but is also supposed to be windy - which is not so good, oh well.

I did one loop around my neighborhood, then onto Trinity blvd to the next neighborhood where I looped through there and back home.  Kept the pace somewhat consistent.

Splits were: 8:57, 7:59, 8:27, 8:15, 8:14, 7:58, 0.16@8:04

I will do one more run before Sunday.

I've gotten in touch with a friend of a friend who is going to run Jacksonville.  He is also going for a 3:20 and is running with one other guy also trying for 3:20.  These two guys are a little bit faster than me but I think I can stick with them.  Joe will be starting out with us but is only shooting for a 3:30 so he plans on dropping back a bit sometime during the second half. 


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4 mostly easy miles on the treadmill.  After about 1.1 miles I saw my shoe was untied and dangerously hopped off of it without slowing it down first.  That was almost a disaster.  Also did some bike and rowing machine.

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