Colt 45 Silver (45K) Trail Race
Just one week out from Big Bear half, legs finally recovered from the extreme downhill beat down.
Surprisingly cold Florida morning (just a touch under 30 degrees at the start).
This race is usually at Colt Creek State Park and is a great training run before the Long Haul 100 also at Colt Creek. But this year park was still flooded from hurricanes, and thanks to a very resourceful race director he set up a race course at the Two Mile Prairie (two loops for the 45K, they had a one loop race , all the way up to 100k).
I ran pretty steady and ended up doing some leap frog with another runner named Mark who was coincidentally running with his wife Jenny. Eventually I got ahead of Mark and somehow ended up with 3rd place overall male and 5th overall.
Maybe it was better that last week was not a full marathon.