16.02 mi, 2:07:14, 7:56 avg
Wrapping up week 10 with long run which included 11 goal marathon pace miles. Going into the run felt like a mountain to climb but I knew I could do it, just knew it wouldn't be easy. Plan was 2 mile warm up, 6 miles at MP, 1 mile easy, 5 miles at MP, followed by 2 miles easy.
Instead of a complete out and back, I ran sort of a t-shape. First 2 miles was a run from Westlake Village to the Pinellas Trail then a little bit south to hit 2 miles. Next section was 3 miles north on the trail then turn around back to the trail starting area. Splits for first set of MP miles: 7:42, 7:35, 7:33, 7:32, 7:28, 7:28.
I had a drink bottle stashed at the trail starting area, used it to wash down a gel. Next was 1 mile easy heading north, then started the 5 mile MP section going 3 miles south then 2 miles north back to the start. Splits for next section: 7:33, 7:28, 7:31, 7:27, 7:21
Great feeling to finish up that second set, then it was just a "jog" home.