12.44 mi, 1:41:30, 8:10 avg
Shorter long run this morning, I guess start of taper, 8 miles next Saturday and then the marathon a week and one day after that. Ran in Starkey, but a little bit late for start of the Striders run. I went out at an easy pace on the way out for 6 miles, then I picked up the pace for return trip. I was thinking 7:30 or better, but the pace I locked onto was a little bit faster. I also planned on making one quick stop but with the watch running to practice drinking and running (a little rusty, actually more like stop really quickly and then catch back up to where you would have been mainly because I can't toss the cup on the ground and the trash can is actually at the water stop). But, I guess that part worked because I did mostly catch back up, just a little bit slower that mile than the others.
Faster miles were: 7:19, 7:10, 7:23, 7:11, 7:04, 6:49
In contrast, the fastest mile of the first 6 miles, was mile 6 at 8:26 which felt like I was running fast enough to question whether I could run 7:30 or faster. I seem to have this discussion all the time and need to show myself that I can do it. I probably could have even gone faster, maybe.