5.56 mi, 48:33, 8:43 avg, HR 140 bpm
Taper week, today's run was 5 miles easy pace followed by 6x100m strides. Ran in Foxwood out to the trail near Lake Dan, headed south for a bit then turned back.
Did the strides at the usual spot in the neigborhood where someone has spray painted a hash mark, 50m, and 100m. Maybe someone training or maybe utility people. Today's strides were significant. A good average pace is maybe 5:30-5:45, with above average around 5:15.
Today I was at 4:45.
Not sure why I was faster, hopefully a good sign and not just a fluke. When I'm running this fast I feel like I'm going to lift off the ground, so I have to concentrate on making the right contact so I'm not using too much energy going up and down vs going forward where I want the energy to go.
My garmin watch gives me some performance stats for vO2 max and lactate threshold which I have no idea how accurate they actually are, but I have seen steady improvements in both, with the reported lactate threshold going from 7:30 back in February (when I wore heart rate monitor for the Holloway Half) down to 7:00 and vO2 max which used to bounce around between 49 and 50 with a 51 every now and then, now holding steady at 55.