19.13 mi, 3:04:35, 9:39 avg, HR 145 bpm
Started out solo from my house, heading over to Longleaf where I met up with Jamie and Cynthia so I could run a few miles with them.
Next, we headed up Starkey Blvd (saw Tom as he was returning from his run) and then into the park and over to the shelter where we talked to some of the Striders and I got the last gatorade. As we headed down the side trail to the shelter I noted my mileage of 7.3. Since I wasn't going to take the detour on the way back I'd have to go out a little more than 9 miles to get 18 miles total.
Said goodbye to Jamie and Cynthia and headed further into the park. My math was a bit off. I think I went out to about 9.8 miles which would end up making my run too long. Picked up the pace a little bit. Weather was getting warmer and I was looking forward to an ice cold drink from Circle K. Arrived there at 17.3 miles total. Went inside and got my favorite mix of Powerade topped off with a little Mountain Dew Voltage.
Made it home ok, a little over a mile more than planned for the total run, not too far off from a 20 mile run which I'll do soon.