PM - Fast Tuesday's 5k, 20:02

Tried out the Fast Tuesday's 5k again like I did two weeks ago. Slight twist this time. About 10 minutes after leaving my house I realized I had forgotten my Garmin. I might have had enough time to turn back and get it but didn't want to risk it so thought I'd try it with just my watch. Arrived in plenty of time, paid the $10 entry and then warmed about - about 1 mile easy with a couple of short strides at the end. Eileen was there and offered to let me use her Garmin but I thought I'd stick with the plan and try running with no Garmin. It was hotter tonight at the start than last time and a bit windier. Dark clouds were rolling in so they decided to start a little earlier. Bigger group tonight, probably twice as many as last time. Fast girl with the FitNiche shirt was there again like last time along with a woman named Terri (a very fast local woman).
Race started and like last time fast FitNiche girl steadily incresased the gap from me until she was way ahead. I ran behind Terri and stuck with her until toward the end of the first mile when I pulled ahead of her (but she was never far behind me).
My first mile ended up being the same as last time (as called out by Michael) - 6:10
It felt like I had slowed down a lot and it was tough psychologically not knowing whether to push harder or hold steady. I came by the second mile though 10 seconds slower than last time at 12:40 instead of 12:30 - so not too far off.
Finally, clearing the last roundabout for the last time and heading into the home stretch it looked like I might be able to make it in under 20:00. Gave it all I had and it looked like I was going to get it but ended up at 20:02.
The wind was pretty strong at times and it was a bit warmer and also with no Garmin, being six seconds slower than last time was not so bad. Interesting that first mile was pretty much the same. Slower on the second mile but overall time was not 10 seconds slower so I must have done the last mile a little bit faster this time.
As the race ended the rain started to come down, first a little then more and more, so good call to start a few minutes early.
AM - 8.29 mi, 1:15:35, 9:07 avg, HR 129 avg, 138 max
Tuesday run with the Striders at Longleaf, 5:30ish start (actual start time after warm up was 5:38). Out and back to the end of Aristide neighborhood, stuck to 121-131 zone except here and there where I drifted out, then had to slow back down. Pretty good weather again. Saw two deer in Aristide, one of them crossing the road and one of them just sort of looking at me. Saw Andy and the team heading out as I was heading back. Talked to a few of the Striders who were sticking around when I finished.
Going to try the Fast Tuesday 5k again tonight.