AM - 6.01 mi, 54:45, 9:07 avg
Ran with Andy and Thomas (and cross country team) at McKethan lake park just north of Brooksville. Kind of an adventure getting there. Went to wrong place for caravan (wrong Target) so drove up by ourselves and got there early but gate to park was still locked. Began doubting I was at the right place (although I had been there at least twice for the Red Mule 5k), tried a different entrance which showed a connecting road. Road was dirt road and not really drivable with my little car (would have been fine for truck). Got a stick stuck underneath which was dragging so stopped and climbed around to pull it out. About ten minutes later I was getting bit by a large ant.
Eventually met up with everyone. I did a couple loops with Thomas then some more on my own. Was reasonably not too hot when under the shade but pretty hot in the few sunny sections. Was planning on running a little more but already kind of late so left at it 6 miles for the morning.
PM -2.08 mi, 16:37, 7:59 avg, HR 125 avg, 141 max
Second running attempt, about 8:40 at night. Rain was rolling in along with a little bit of thunder but tried to squeeze some in. Just got a little bit wet. I wore the heart rate strap but didn't look at it while running. The second mile was a 7:41 but the average was only 132 bpm, only 1 beat outside of MAF range. If this pace is true then that's a huge PR for MAF running. I'll have to see if I can come close to repeating this.