Like the picture of my brother, Grant? He's a character. I've got family on the mind bc we are going to a fam reunion this weekend. Yay!
3 miles outside at 10:29 pace (average). I've decided to chuck the chiropractor's advice out the window about reducing my miles this week. My hip feels great. It's funny. I think I've discovered something about hip pain and knee pain. Follow. I have three possible shoe combinations.
1.) Old Asics shoes--completely worn out, little cushioning, however, the arch is perfect for me. Wearing these shoes leads to heel pain/sore feet in the morning becaue of lack of cushioning.
2.) New Brookes Shoes. Great cushioning, but the arch is just a little tiny bit too low for my feet. Wearing these shoes leads to hip pain after a while and sharp pain in the arch during running.
3.) New Brookes shoes with cheapo Dr. Scholls arch support in them: fabulous cushioning, but it makes the arch TOO high for me. I feel like I run on the outside of my feet. This leads to knee pain for me.
Pain is all about SHOES! Arch too high=knee pain. Arch too low=hip pain. Worn out shoes=heel pain. At least that's how it's worked out for me. I can't wait until I get my new shoes. Until then, I'll just keep changing things around. Probably end up on the old treadmill in the old shoes. That's the safest thing, I guess. *Sigh*
Has anyone else noticed trends in what aggravates/brings on pain during running? I mean, other than the normal . . . pain . . . that you . . normally . . . ag! You know what I mean. We should gather some data! |