5 on the treadmill in 49:40. OK people. I need a little help. I am having a little bit of waffling in terms of what my primary goal for running is right now. It used to be that any time I was having a hard time getting out the door for my run, I would just think about how good it would feel to bring down my high school record. Now that it is out of the way (hooray!), I have been waffling between 3 running goals: 1.) 22:XX for a 5K 2.) sub 50:00 for a 10K, or 3.) 1:50:XX for a half The significance of the 22 min. 5K to me is that that is where I've always started thinking of a chica as darn fast. It would be nice to be able to think of myself as fast. The 10K time is significant because it is the dividing line between the boltushkas (meaning talkative woman who runs mainly for social reasons) and the non-boltushkas. Now I KNOW that it is actually a really good description of what kind of runner I am (vomit!), and Sasha has said that it is not a derogatory term, but I still just can't help feeling like I am being called the Russian 'B' word! I would LOVE to ditch the title. On the downside, I have never run a 10K and I am a little afraid of the distance. It's long enough to be aggravating, but not long enough to inspire awe from non-runners (haha). The half time is significant because a certain red-headed running guru has commanded (advised) me not to run a full marathon until I can do a 1:50:00 half. According to Pachev prognostication, I should be able to do it by the end of July, providing I have solid training until then. So there will be no marathon for me until I can accomplish this.
So there it is. What do you guys think I should focus on? Vote!