2 miles outside at 10:45 pace. I was so sore from my long run on Sat. My sister Laura (on the blog) is in town for New Years. She is trying to decide if she should run a 3 mile race tonight. I will be her pacer if she does. Everybody go comment on her blog and tell her to do it! It will take quite a bit of effort for me to keep up, though, in my present state. She'll probably need me to run about 10-10:15 pace for 3 miles. We shall see if I hold up! (LATER THAT NIGHT...) Wow! Laura ran a great race! Her average pace for the 3 miles was 9:37--that's about 2 minutes per mile faster than the last race she did! I am so proud of her. And she made me WORK! Her last mile was the fastest at 9:22 according to my Garmin. And she was fresh, too. You should have seen her sprinting to the finish line at Warp 9 to try to keep from getting "Geezered" by this old guy. (He was a really tough old guy, though, I must say.) She recovered quickly, and from my observations, merely looked "tired," not "wasted." I think with a little more experience racing she will continue making huge PRs. If this had been a full 5K she would definitely have been below 30 minutes. (THAT'S OVER A 6 MINUTE PR FOR 5K!!) According to my watch, she finished at 28:40. The results said 28:50, but I think that that was gun time, instead of chip time. Tomorrow when I have a little more brain cells awake I want to start a discussion about how to encourage someone to do their best when you pace them. Any ideas of things that work of don't work? Basically tonight I mainly lied (I told her we were going 10 pace, which was the goal, but actually we were going 9:30), cheated, stole (not really), sang, did fartleks with her, feigned not holding up very well, praising her for pushing it, talked as fast as I could for 28 minutes, yada yada yada. She responded every time I asked her to push it! That was just SO DARN COOL!!!!! I'm so glad I got to be a part of this. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!