Never at any time in my little life have I put 10 miles on these legs in one day. Longest ever before was 8 miles. Longest since I started running again was 7. So this is a record for me, but I have to admit it was not continuous. I ran two 5 milers. First I ran 3 with Christine and finished up with 2 more with my dog. Ave. pace was 10:15 for the whole run. Just as I was bringing in the dog (he doesn't run very far--2 miles is about his limit) a man called from our church, begging for James to come help someone move. So James left and I got the kids ready for the day and did some of my Saturday chores. James got back about an hour and a half later, and I finished up with another 5. But here's where it gets fun: Ave. pace for the second run was 9:01! That is really good for me. I think it's the fastest 5 miler I've ever done at 45:05. I never thought I'd be able to do that at the same time as breaking my record for most running in a day by a long ways. I think the reason it was faster was that I ran with music. My stupid MP3 player kept shutting off and starting over with the first song--"Eye of the Tiger." I listened to that song about 90% of the time on my run. My splits were: 9:33, 9:40, 9:20, 8:29, 8:02. I never would have believed those last two miles without the Garmin. That is my tempo mile pace! To be fair, it was slightly uphill the first half and very slightly downhill the whole second half. Plus I stopped the watch for traffic lights and to smooch, I mean, say hello to James as I ran by the park. But still!!! I am happy. And right now I'm not dead tired. Isn't that weird? Now I am starting to wonder if I might be a distance runner after all. I mean, maybe a 5K is too short of a race for me to really get into my groove, which thing I had never before supposed.