
Sunset Run For Shade 5K

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Member Since:

Apr 04, 2007



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:


1 mile:  6:31

5K:  23:37

Half Marathon: 2:04

My first post-high school 5K, in which I thought I was going to die

The first time I won my age division.  Yippee!

My first half marathon, in which I attack Sasha

The time I beat my high school PR for the 5K (as a 31 year-old mommy of 3!)

My first 5K barefooted


Short-Term Running Goals:

I'm just getting back into running after a long break to have my last child.  I would like to race some 10Ks, a half, and a marathon in the next 2 years.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Be the oldest woman to complete a marathon.  Yea!  But hopefully I will also complete some BEFORE I geezer up, like, before I'm 40 for sure.  I think it would be fun to dress up really strange for marathons, like impersonating celebrities and stuff.  Except I don't really like celebrities, as a rule, so maybe I'll have to stick to the age old question of ninja, or pirate.  I say ninja. *Hyah!*


I am happily married to James W (Cool Runnings). We have 3 boys and 1 opinionated little girl.  I love reading and I'm also a news junkie.  I am a stinker.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Race: Sunset Run For Shade 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:27:37, Place overall: 13, Place in age division: 5
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ouch.  I feel awful!  So that's good I guess.  I put it all out there.  Here's how the race went down:

I felt super hot and even dry-mouthed before we even started.  It was about 95 F.  No breeze at all.

I ran the first mile WAY too fast.  I didn't realize how fast I took it out, but I started seeing spots around the 1/2 mile and slowed down.   They had big timers going at the mile marks so you could see your splits--that was awesome & it saved me.  As I was closing on the first mile, I saw 7 something and freaked out a little.  My goal was 9:00 for the 1st mile.   1st mile in 8:00.  I had lost the ability to swallow by this point.   One amazing thing that happened in this mile--I saw the most astounding shooting star of my life.  More like a flaming blue meteor, really.  I've always taken shooting starts as a good omen. 

The second mile I consciously slowed down to try not to die.   There was a prominent hill in this mile. We were to run up it and back down.  As I just started going up I saw James flying down.  He looked awesome!   I did not feel good at all this whole mile. Thank goodness for the water stations.  I really think I may not have finished the race if I hadn't grabbed 2 cups at each one.  One to take a sip from and throw in my face, and the other to soak my shirt with.  At the end of the second mile, I think my time was 17:00, so that would put me at 9:00 for that mile. 

The third mile my music carried me in.   This was the mile I had to keep brushing away the pesky little question "Why the heck did I have to take up running?!  I could be learning to cross stitch right now!"  My favorite song came on at the crucial point--"Breaking Free"  I know I picked it up when it came on, although I was fading.  I tried to come in hard.  James said I looked strong coming in.  3rd mile probably in about 9:37, .1 in 1 min. or so.  Final time 27:37.   Sasha, your ability to predict my time is AMAZING!  Within what, 10 seconds!

Recovery was pretty slow.  It took me a good 5-10 minutes to stop breathing REALLY fast, and 10-15 more, probably, to start breathing normally.  My throat still burns terribly and I have lost my voice almost completely.  Other than that, my quads and calves are a little bit sore.  HEY! But good news:  absolutely NO hip pain or arch pain.  I credit the chiropractor for the hip & some arch supports in my new shoes for the comfy feet. 

I didn't even come close to feeling okay until I took off my shoes and soaked my feet in a very cold decorative fountain and poured water bottles all over myself.  Actually, I got in trouble!  A policeman came and told me to get out of the fountain, and I was thinking "Don't you have anything better to do than tell over-heated piano teachers to stop dangling their feet in a little water?  Go keep someone from getting mugged in the parking lot, for goodness sakes."  But of course, all I said was "Yes sir.  I'm sorry."

I didn't see very many girls in front of me, and sure enough, I came in 13th out of 93 female runners.  5th in my age division.  Isn't that an improvement from my last race!?  Thank goodness for slow runners!

My pace per mile this race was 8:56.  Less than 2 months ago, my pace was 11:30 for a 4.2 mile race.  I feel really good about that.

My goals for this race were to

1.  Run under 30:40 or whatever it is, Paul Peterson's best 10K time (used with permision.)  Goal MET!  Goal smashed!

2.  Have the courage to run fast.  Give it my all.  Run 'til I yak.  I thought it was the most admirable thing ever when Ally threw up 5-6 times after pushing herself in a meet.  I mean, here she is just a teenager, and she has the courage to push it that hard.  It takes a lot of inner strength to do that.  For me, I'm going to call this goal met.  I think I had heat exhaustion.  I haven't yakked yet, but it is still a possibility.  I'm queasy.

3.  Be positive about my effort and recognize progress--don't compare myself to anyone but me.  Goal met.  I feel proud.  But I'm not satisfied . . . 

I can't wait 'til my next race!

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Maria on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 06:39:32

Big congrats on the post-HS PR, Lybi! You did great, especially considering the heat. You made a classic mistake of going out too fast, but it's good, actually - you now know what happens when you do that. You'll learn the art of pacing with experience, but your first mile confirms what I always thought - you have good speed, just need to get your endurance up to match this speed, and you'll be flying! I'm sure you'll be faster than your HS PR, including the mile, if you keep up the training. Regarding soreness, I hope you won't ever feel it from this race, but just as word of caution - there is something called DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness, which comes on 24-48 hours AFTER the race (or any all out effort). So your real test will be Sunday-Monday. For me, it takes 24 hours.

From Heber on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 10:07:01

Yay! Congrats to you little sis. Almost everyone goes out too fast on their first mile if they haven't been racing recently. What that means is that you could have had an even better time if you had paced more evenly. So you are probably in better shape than you think.

Muscle soreness is an interesting thing. I think it tells us when we have done something we haven't trained for. Here's something that may help. You body adapts to do the workload you train for. Workload is specific both to distance and speed. It's called the principle of specificity. So if you want to run a 5k (for instance) at a certain pace for mile then you should do some specific training for that event. Run 1-mile repeats, 3 of them since that adds up almost to 5k, at your goal pace. In between repeats you can rest or walk slowly if you want. That way your legs get used to doing that pace for 5k. As you get better at that you can switch to two repeats of 1.5 miles or 2 miles, rest, then 1 mile. But keep the same pace. When the race arrives just leave out the rest (which is easier than you would think) and you're in. Furthermore your legs don't hurt because they've been used to doing that.

From Jacqueline (Mom) on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 11:11:58

Congratulations! I am proud of you. You are an inspiration to me and to your boys. I hope you are not too sore. Love you lots. Mom

From Archie (Dad) on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 11:53:58

Good going Dear Lybi! We are proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love Dad

From Brent on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 13:20:12

Lybi, most entertaining blog description of a race ever. No doubt, 50 commando points, you could have packed it in after the fast start.

Hey, I agree, as soon as the cop was gone, I would be back in the fountain, Italians know what fountains are for.

Hey, have you started a race scrapebook? Races like yours, especially if you got pictures are great, journal you story.

Lastly, you missed out on another 20 commando points by not barfing.

Mom and Dad on the blog, runners?

From James the hubby on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 15:06:23

Way to go honey! You did a marvelous job. I know I said it last night, but just seconding what Maria said, there is no doubt that you have much more in you with some more training under your belt to increase your endurance. I also agree that running the repeats, or tempo runs at your 5K race pace will help you to get used to the pace you want to run, and will also help your legs to be used to that pace so that you are not super sore and can maintain that pace. The tempo runs have an added benefit of increasing your cardio-respiratory fitness as they are more taxing on your body than the easy runs which are designed to build your endurance. I am so proud of you!

From Mik'L on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 16:36:20

Great job Lybi! I am impressed with your time, since I don't think I could run it. Good job on meeting all of your goals too!

From Aaron on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 17:14:34

Way to go. Great report. Sounds like the foot is feeling better!

From Rebecca (sister) on Sun, May 27, 2007 at 20:26:04

Wow. Sounds like you're doing great stuff with your running. Congratulations on your first race in a long time.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, May 28, 2007 at 17:14:24

Lybi - congratulations on a great race! Only a couple of months of training, and you are already within 4 minutes of your high school PR. That is very impressive for a mother of three young children, and shows that you have great potential. I estimate if you continue to train consistently you will break your high school PR in about a year.

The first mile in 8:00 shows that a good portion of your body is ready to run that pace the whole way. In fact faster, because you slowed down before you reached the first mile marker. It is only a matter of time before the rest of the body catches up. Just continue putting in your 3 miles of easy running a day gradually increasing as you become more fit, and probably in another 3-4 months you'll be sub-25:00, very likely even faster. No need for any kind of speed work, that 8:00 mile opener shows you have plenty of speed.

It is nice to see that your family is following your progress, and especially how many people there are to offer you support.

Regarding soreness/feeling bad/etc. 5 K is a very painful race when run properly. When I am in shape to run a good 5 K, if my goal is to minimize pain, I'd choose the marathon any day over it. 5 K has an anaerobic sting to it that just hurts.

From Lybi on Mon, May 28, 2007 at 18:40:01

Thanks for the comments everyone!

Don't I have a great family? My sister Rebecca was the first runner in my family. I never would've run in high school if it had not been for her example. My parents mainly run for office. : ) But they gave me their big hearts and so that's good for distance, I guess.

From Michael on Tue, May 29, 2007 at 11:11:24

Great attitude, Great Goals, keep going after it, only you can stop yourself

From christi on Thu, May 31, 2007 at 13:05:21

I'm a little slow- just saw your race report. Way to go! I really think you should take up writing- you have a talent to tell great stories! Love reading your blog. Your consistency on trying to run 6 days a week inspires me. Keep it up!

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